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r <br /> Minutes of the Meeting <br /> of the lashpe Housing Authority <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> October 9,, 1997 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. and a quorum declared with the following members <br /> present: Daren A. Rudd, Jessie Ferr ino, Marie Younger, Constance Mills, and Stu Peoples. <br /> Also in attendance were Carolyn A. Reed, Executive Director, Cheryl Burke and Carol Redmond; <br /> representing the Resident's Association and Toni Joy, Fee Accountant. <br /> Secretary's Report: <br /> notion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Ms. Fennino to accept the Minutes of the <br /> Meeting held on September 11, 1997. The motion was adopted. <br /> Treasurer's Report: <br /> Accounts payable and account balances were distributed for review and approval. 1s. Reed <br /> advised that all 667-1 rents are current and up to date. Three 705 residents are on a court- <br /> ordered repayment plan--of the three, one has cured, one has brought her balance down from <br /> 1,oto to $346, and the other resident 1s scheduled to go back to court for the execution. <br /> Tom Joy was thea asked to present the FY '98 budget. He prefaced his remarks by indicating the <br /> fiscal year ending June 30, 1997 was very good. The Mashpe Mousing Authority, without State <br /> subsidy showed a $7,624 profit. After calculating subsidy we were entitled to and received a <br /> subsidy of$2,801 which is extremely unique. our budget was under in the Non-Utility category-- <br /> budgeted at $67,000, spending $57,000. we showed a profit of approximately $10,400 before <br /> non-routine expenses--expended $4,900 in extraordinary mwntena.n es and $1,500 for equipment <br /> replacement, realizing approximately $4,,000 profit after all non-routine expenses which was <br /> transferred into our operating reserve. our operating reserve is $37,000 maximum reserve for <br /> our housing authority is $46,000 and rninirnum is $15,000), which is very good. <br /> Tom thea explained the budget, which is basically the sane as last year. Some of the major <br /> differences in the budget guidelines were: bottorn line non-utility spending levels will be level <br /> funded,DHCD will allow for some restricted out of state travel; expense breakdown by program <br /> will be required by 6/30/98 year end, and, mileage reimbursement is raised from $.22 to $.25 per <br /> mile- <br /> Tom <br /> r e_Worn highlighted budget as follows--requested $ ,60 for extraordinary maintenance(which <br /> includes $600 for replacement of fire extinguishers and $3,000 for unit turnover); and,.�1,70o for <br /> replacement of equipment refrigerators--2 for handicap units @ $500 each arra 2 regular <br /> @$350 each). <br /> f <br />