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Y <br /> Minutes of the Meeting <br /> of the Mashpee Dousing Authority <br /> Board of Commissioner <br /> November 13, 1997 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 5:26 p.m. and a quorum declared with the following members <br /> in attendance: Karen A. Rudd, E. Stuart Peoples, Marie Younger, Jessie Fermino and Constance <br /> Mills, Also present were Carolyn A. Reed, Executive Director, Cheryl BUFke and Carol <br /> Redmond, Residents' Association. <br /> Secretary's Deport: <br /> Discussion regarding return of Section 8 Certificates to Falmouth—Ietter received from Falmouth <br /> Housing Authority requesting return of Certificates, The Director has notified the participants <br /> that effectWe December 1, 1997 Falmouth Housing Authority wl I I be responsible for the <br /> administration of their program participation. Ms. Rudd requested that in the future Minutes of, <br /> the Meeting he forwarded with the Agenda. A► motion was made by Ms. Fermino and <br /> seconded by Ms. Younger to accept the Minutes of the Meeting held on October 9, 1997. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> Treasurer's Report: <br /> Accounts payable and hank balances were distributed for review and approval. Ms. Reed advised <br /> that the service charg s for the Pet Account will be reversed on the December hank statement. 1n <br /> response to a question posed by Mrs_ Mills regarding the Pet Account, Ms. Reed explained that <br /> part of the Pet Policy requires a deposit be made for any resident desirous of keeping a pet. <br /> These deposits must be Dept in a separate, interest hearing account. There were no extraordinary <br /> expenses incurred during the month of September. Budget to Actual report indicates that <br /> all expenses are within the submitted budget. <br /> Tenant Delinquency_ of the three 705 residents who have court-ordered repayment plans, one <br /> has cured, one has brought her balance down from $1,020 to $96, and the housing authority will <br /> be going back to court to execute judgement for the other resident_ Her balance is approximately <br /> $2, 0 and she has failed to keep her agreement whereby she was to keep her rent current and <br /> pay $too on the arrears. Discussion followed as to whether or not we should contact the <br /> individual and lover the arrears payment or follow through with the judgement. There was some <br /> concern regarding whether we could recoup monies if we followed through with the eviction. <br /> The housing authority can enter into small claims court to recoup our money. A motion was <br /> made by Ms. Fermino and seconded by Mrs. 1 ills to accept the report of the Treasurer. <br /> The motion carried. <br /> F <br />