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5 <br /> s <br /> rt • e <br /> iashpee Housing Authority <br /> Jobs Fishing Road <br /> Mashpce,NIA 02649 <br /> Minutes of a Special Board Meeting of the Mashpce Housing Authority, held on February Is. 1998, at <br /> : 4P at 7 Jobs Fishing Road,Mashpee,NIA. <br /> Mcmbcrs Present: Karen A. Rudd,E. stuawrt Pcoples,Marie Younger,and Jessie Fermino. <br /> Members Absent: Constance Mills. <br /> ethers Present: Carolyn Reed,Ecutiviirector,and legal counsel for Ms. Reed. <br /> Ms. Reed was asked if she preferred the me ting to be in Open Session or Executive Session. She was <br /> informed that if o nto recorder could a allowed and her representative could spear on her bchalf If <br /> 1 , � <br /> closed,lose no to recording allowed and rcpresc ntative would not bc allowed to speak on Ms. Reed's behalf: <br /> Nis. Deed opted for Executive Session. <br /> Motion was made by Mr.Peoples to enter into executive session. Motion seconded by Nis. herrttino, <br /> unanimous vote. <br /> Entered into Executive Session at :45P. <br /> After must discussion in executive session lacy of job performance by Ms. Reed, the following <br /> options were given: <br /> Option l: if resignation given to the Board,the Board would pay Nis. Reed all monies owed to her,two <br /> weeps sevcrancepay,and would allow Nis.Reed to collect unemployment with full approval of the <br /> Board; <br /> Or <br /> Option 2: the Board would terminate Nis. Reed. if this option chosen, no severance pay would be offred, <br /> and if Nis. Rced filed an unemployment claire,the Board would deny such a claim. <br /> Nis. <br /> Reed was unformed that the Board felt strongly that the job description outfined for the executive <br /> ;rector in"Exhibit " attached to Ms. Reed's contract were not being performed to the Board's <br /> satisfaction.faction. Nis. Reed was also informed that there had been very little improvement in her since her <br /> evaluation elated and her response to the state auditor's findings in October, 1997. <br /> on"principle" <br /> her word),Nis. Reed opted to take Option 2. Nis.Reed was them informed by Chair Ruda <br /> arida March 2 , 1998, would be her last day of employment at the Mashpee Housing Authority. <br /> that , <br /> The reason that immediate terminations slid not take place was due to the fact that a final check cline Nis. <br /> Recd was not available at the time of this meeting. <br /> made motion to reconvene in open session. <br /> Motion seconded by unanimous vote. <br /> Reconvened at <br /> made motion to adjourn the Special Meeting. Motion seconded by urnaimous <br /> vote. <br /> Meeting ad,*our ed at <br />