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Ab <br /> 689 housing units. A motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by IIT. <br /> Younger to endorse the scope of services contained in the TAP, and outlined in <br /> Mr. Allard's letter of August 29, 1998, and to seek funding sources to gain elderly <br /> and 689 Busing units in the Torn of Ilahpee. The notion was adopted. <br /> Adoption of AHVP Income.Limits. Mrs. Botsford reviewed the new Income Limits for <br /> the Alternative Housing Voucher Program with the board. A motion was made by Ms. <br /> Younger and seconded by Mr. Peoples to adopt the DHCD MRVP Income Limits <br /> for each household size, one through eight. The motion was adopted. i <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> None. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that there were several items of correspondence to share with <br /> the Board. The fiat was a packet containing a request for applications for funding for <br /> property repair or improvements. The application is due October 9. Mrs. Botsford will <br /> be working on filling out the application. The next correspondence was from DHCD <br /> regarding the II RVP inspection program. They have requested that we mail notification <br /> to all IIRVP landlords that inspections will begin shortly. These notices will go out with <br /> -October rental checks. They have also requested that MHA send a listing of all tenant <br /> and landlord information to therm. Mrs. Botsford has compiled the list and will forward. <br /> to DHCD within a week. The gird communication was also from bHCD regarding a <br /> change in insurance coverage which results in a substantial savings for housing <br /> authorities. A communication was received from PHI regarding heir inspection <br /> services. IVIS. Rudd requested that Mrs. Botsford gather more information on the cost <br /> of contracting for inspections and then the Board could address it at the-net meeting. <br /> communication was received from the Postal service reminding us that, by March 31, <br /> 1999 our postal meter must be replaced. The final correspondence was notifying us of <br /> a public hearing being held-on September 17 regarding the proposed further <br /> development of l ashpee Commons. <br /> Next meeting will be held Thursday, October 8, 1998 at :30 PM. A action was made <br /> by Mr. Peoples and seconded by lis. Younger to adjourn. The motion carried. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m. <br /> pctf7 subrni d, <br /> e_ <br /> lagotsfod, beret <br /> Executive Director <br />