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06 <br /> Minutes of the Meeting <br /> Mashpee Housing Authority <br /> Bo .rd of Commissioners <br /> April 8, 1999 <br /> The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson at 4:48 p.m.. and a quorum declared with <br /> the following members present: E. Stuart Peoples, L rri Finton# and Constance Mills. Marie <br /> Younger was absent. others in attendance included: Della Botsford, Executive Director. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> T: <br /> Minutes for regular meeting held on larch 11, 1999 were presented. Motion was made by � <br /> Mrs. Mills and seconded by Ms. Fint n to accept the minutes as presented. The motion <br /> was adopted. <br /> T EASU EWS REPORT: <br /> T: <br /> Budget,to Actual and Narrative: The Budget to Actual Deport which reflects the ninth month of <br /> the fiscal year was presented to the Board for review. Mrs. Botsford stated that there was no <br /> written treasurer's report due to the fact that the bank statements had not come in yet for <br /> March.h. The accountant report reflected that there were no extraordinary expenses in this <br /> month. <br /> Accounts Pa ablest Payables totaling $6,516.57 were presented to the Board for review, <br /> approval and signatures. <br /> Fent Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford reported that the only resident that has not paid their rent is <br /> the one that the housing authofity is evicting. A motion was made by illy. Fint n and <br /> seconded by Mrs. Mills to accept the secretary's report as presented. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> PROGRAM UPDATE: <br /> Homeyer Village (667).- Mrs. Botsford reported that there was one vacancy at Home er <br /> Village which.Paul is busy painting to prepare for neer tenant who has been selected to <br /> fill the vacancy later in the month. For a social activity, in addition to bingo this month, <br /> vire are having a jigsaw puzzle marathon on the 21 st. Mrs. Botsford reported that she <br /> received a petition signed by the majority of the residents requesting that the resident's <br /> association be dissolved; She will meet with the residents as a group every other month <br /> instead. Half of the annual inspections have been done at Homeyer pillage. The other <br /> half are scheduled to be done by the end of April. Mrs. Botsford reported that there <br /> was an unannounced fire drill yesterday which went very gall. With the exception of <br /> two residents, everyone was out in under four minutes. Airs. Botsford reported that she <br /> went to the Senior Center to do a presentation on housing applications. She was there <br /> i <br />