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R <br /> Minutes of the Meeting <br /> MASHPEE HOUSING AUTHORITY <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> July 8, 1999 <br /> The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, at : 1p.m. and a quorum declared with <br /> the following members present: Marie Younger, Lorrl Finton, Gina Orlando, E. Stuart <br /> Peoples, and Laverne williwns. Others in attendance included: Leila Botsford, Executive <br /> Director, and Cheryl Burke, resident of Homeyer village. <br /> SECRETARY'S RB OR ': <br /> Minutes for regular meeting held on June 9, 1999 were presented. notion was mace by Ms. <br /> inton and seconded by Ms. Orlando to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budget to Ae ual and Narrative: The Budget to Actual Report which reflects the twelfth <br /> month of the fiscal year was presented to the Board for review. The accountant report <br /> reflected that there were no extraordinary expenses In this month and the year ended with <br /> only one item over--budget, that being the cesspool pumping, which is an uncontrollable <br /> expense. Mrs. Botsford reported that she was unable to present the written treasurer's report <br /> for the current month due to the fact that the bank statements have not cone in yet. <br /> Accounts. a ablest Payables totaling $10,064.39 were presented to the Board for review, <br /> approval and signatures. <br /> Rent efl guenci : Mrs. Botsford reported that there were no rent delinquencies at either <br /> development. A lotion was rade by Ms. Flnton and seconded by Ms. Orlando to accept <br /> the Secretary's report as presented.. The motion was adopted. <br /> PROGRAM UPDATE: <br /> H o me rear Village 66 L Mrs. Botsford reported that the recent vacancy has been billed and we <br /> may have one other vacancy coming up next month due to the fact that one resident has been <br /> moved to a nursing hone and will probably be staying there. firs. Botsford reported that <br /> omeyer Tillage had them'quarterly fire drill yesterday. Everyone was out and accounted for <br /> within 5 minutes. Mrs* Botsford reported that last month there was bingo and a presentation <br /> on elderly abuse. This month, in addition to bingo, there will be an Ice Crean Social and the <br /> annual cookout in which all board members are invited to attend. Mrs. Botsford reported that <br /> she had her regularly scheduled meeting with the Horneyer Village Residents at the end of <br /> June and that she will have a special meeting to entertain suggestions for budget items. <br />