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Minutes of the Meeting <br /> MASHPEE HOUSING AUTHORITY <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> August 1 2, 1 999 <br /> The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, at 5: 6p.m. and a quorum declared with <br /> the following members present: Marie Younger, Lord Finton, and Laverne Williams. E. <br /> Stuart Peoples and Gina Orlando were absent. Others in attendance included: Leila <br /> Botsford, Executive Director, Thomas jour, Fee Accountant and Cheryl Burke, resident of <br /> Home er Village. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for regular meeting held on July 8, 1999 were presented. Motion was made by IIs. <br /> Williams and seconded by Ms. Finton to accept the minutes as presented. The motion <br /> was adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S DEPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual and Narrative: No Budget to Actual Report was presented to the Board, as <br /> we are in the first month of our Fiscal Year and the budget is being presented this evening. <br /> Mrs. Botsford presented the written treasurer's reports for the current month and the previous <br /> month. <br /> Accounts Payables: Payables totaling $,8,841.54 were presented to the Board for review, <br /> approval and signatures. <br /> Bent Felin uencres: Mrs. Botsford reported that there were no rent delinquencies at either <br /> development. A Motion was made by Ms. Finton and seconded by lis. Williams to accept <br /> the Secretary's report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> PROGRAM UP ATE.- <br /> Homgyer Village, 6 In addition to bingo this month, Home rer village had the annual <br /> cookout, which was well attended. Mrs. Botsford reported that she had a special meeting <br /> with the residents to entertain suggestions for budget. items. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that a letter was sent to the selectman to clarify the snow-plowing <br /> issues but so far there has been no response. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported after finishing the waiting list updates the lists are currently as follows: <br /> 105 MRVP applicants 25 are residents); 16 705 Applicants lis a resident); 28 667 (16 are <br /> residents). <br />