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r <br /> Minutes of the Meeting <br /> MASHPEE HOUSING AUTHORITY <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> September 14, 2000 <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:30p.m. and a quorum declared <br /> with the following members present: Lorri Finton, E. Stuart Peoples, Mary Ukins, <br /> Barbara Thurston, and Ms. Williams. Also in attendance was Leila Botsford, Executive <br /> Director. <br /> SECRETARY"S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for regular meeting held on July 13, X000 were presented, Motion was <br /> made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Ms. Findon to accept the minutes as <br /> presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budget to A!A!j@l and Narrative: Mrs. Botsford provided the board with written reports <br /> regarding bank balances. The Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the fee- <br /> accountant, was presented to the Board,, which represented the second month of the <br /> fiscal year. Mrs. Botsford pointed out that we are still using last year's budget amounts <br /> due to the fact the budget for Fiscal Year 2001 has not yet been approved. She <br /> reported that all Ione-items were within budget. <br /> AmUnts.PAya. Payables totaling $15,998.27 were presented to the Board for <br /> review, approval and signatures. Mrs. Botsford reported that there was a check <br /> payable to DHCD in the amount of$1,689.60 which represents a return of operating <br /> subsidy funds, <br /> Lent.Delinguencig*: Mrs. Botsford sated that all rents are paid in full at Homeyer <br /> Village, but that there is one resident at Breezy Acres that has not paid yet. A fourteen- <br /> day notice to quit will be issued in the morning if it is not paid. A Motion was made <br /> by Ms. Williams and seconded by Ms. Thurston to accept the Secretary's <br /> report as presented. The motion was adopted. . � <br /> PROGRAM UPDATE: <br /> Homeyer Village (66Z); Mss. Botsford repok'ted this past month, in addition t0 Bingo, a <br /> "Spa Day"was offered which was attended by b residents, and well-received. Mrs. <br /> Botsford reported that one resident moved out and in with family members, due to her <br /> deteriorating health. The unit'has been painted and final repairs are being done so that <br /> the new resident can move in next week. Mrs. Botsford reported that window washing <br /> is being done next week by the maintenance man and all ire extinguishers have been <br /> tesked. <br /> Page 1 of 4 <br />