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11/14/2002 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
11/14/2002 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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ML.VLPVe-S Of tile ml.y%.o <br /> MASKPEG �tDL�LSINCI ARTT4 iz< <br /> R 1A <br /> moa� aontmLsswKoers <br /> NoVeMbCY- 14, 2002 0 3 j pm 2'. <br /> IS MEMNG WA5 A UDI 0T PED FOR T HE P05E OF 7R4 S0UP7 7ON SIL Y. <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:38 p* . and a quorum declared with <br /> the following members present: David Harsch, E. Stuart Peoples. and Lord Finton. lar <br /> Homeyer, and La erne Williams were absent. Also in attendance was Leila fiord, Executive <br /> Director. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> h i n utas for- regular meeting held on September 12, 2002 were presented. A motion was <br /> rade by Ms. Finton and tended by Mr. Peoples to L the i u es as <br /> 1" e motion was adopted. <br /> T Es R WS REPORT: <br /> Dljdggt Aral arra. ar"r'' jjyg; Mrs. Mord provided a treasurer's report with regards to the <br /> bank accounts and the Budget to Aral Report,, prepared by the fee-accountant, which <br /> represented the fourth month of the fiscal year. <br /> A=u.o1a.PaYiab1g5; Payables totaling ,900.02 were presented to the Board dor reviw, <br /> approval and signatures. The warrant was presented to the chairperson for his signature. <br /> Rent !i , Mrs. Bots `orad stated that all rents are paid in full at both Homeyer Village <br /> and Breezy Acres. <br /> motion was made by Mr. Peoples andBonded by M& Fi ton to accept the <br /> �surerrs report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTNE DIRECTOWS REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford remarked that she had railed her report to the board for the month of August <br /> and it is attached to these minutes as Aorh 1. <br /> Mrs. fiord added the following report: <br /> I have executed the ACCs(Annual Contribution :ontracts) with DHC . They have changed the <br /> contracts so that they are for a term of five years instead of yearly. <br /> I have met with the residents of Homeyer village and we are planning their annual holiday <br /> party fbr Wednesday, December 11. We had the fire alarms tested earfler this week. <br /> FYI: I've provided to you all a copy of a letter I recently sent to someone who had contacted <br /> Stu wanting to meet with the board. I had a lengthy conversation with this person who is <br /> someone who was a perspective landlord,, but the tenant chose to live somewhere else and did <br /> not lease up in Mashpee. This person wanted to meet with the board to express her <br /> dissatisfaction with being unable to talk to me when she called the office several tire. I spoke <br /> to this woman at length and explained as best I could the fact that we are only a part-bine <br /> authority, and some of the work that I do requires time ode of the office, and also that I <br /> have Flo handle many of my calls that pertain to leasing up a mon 8 tenant Le. scheduling <br /> Page 1 of <br />
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