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Y <br /> V <br /> �.Fr <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> h r`s Perth ProMrs. Mord reported that she met extensively with Jonathan Juhl (The <br /> Community Builders) to review and work on the HUD 202 application for the Ashers Path <br /> Project. They both met with the Selden to do a presentation on the project and receive <br /> their support for the application. The selectmen voted urnanimously to support the project and <br /> they will be forwarding a letter. <br /> NEW USI ESS: <br /> ExecuqveDir r Contract: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the communications she has had with <br /> HCI regarding her contract. They have requested a change in one of the paragraphs before <br /> approving it. The requested change has been made. After a brief discussion, a motion was <br /> made by Ms. Williams res. Finton to approve the charges and re- <br /> m the contract as presented. The molIon was adopted. <br /> 1jdact Revision: Mrs.. Mord reviewed the.proposed budget revision with the lord. Due to <br /> a serious illness that the Maintenance Man has, the housing authority will need to contract-out <br /> much of the work he does for the next several months while he is receiving sick pay. Mrs.. <br /> Botsford:reported that she has discussed.the matter with DHCD and the budget revision was <br /> suggested to cover the expected increase in the contract cost line item. After a brief <br /> discussion, a motion was made by Ms. Finton and seconded by Pyr. Peoples to approve <br /> and submit the remised'pro .operating budget for the Elderly/667 housing o <br /> the Mashpee Housing Authority, Project Number 4004 for Fis aI Year Ending 3une <br /> 0,r 2003 showing total Operating Recei o $108,40040 and Total Operating <br /> Expenditures o ►111,148.00,thereby requesting a subsidy o $2,,748.00 be <br /> sub fted to the i epartr er t of Housing and community Development for its review <br /> and approval. The motion was adopted. <br /> OTHER SINESS None <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CENCE: Mrs. Botsford stated that she has spoken to a <br /> member of the finance committee regarding our request to have our,P.I.L.O.T. waived for this <br /> year. She was told that the finance committee was recommending to the selectmen that our <br /> request he approved, but Mrs. Botsford has not received approval from the selectmen yet. <br /> The net meeting will be Thursday, April. 10, 2003 at 5:30 PIS. <br /> notion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Ms. Finton to adjourn. The <br /> notion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 P.M. <br /> I y submitted, <br /> ila Botsfo , Secretyry <br /> eutive [ irector <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />