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t <br /> m v�,ks of the, meettvLg <br /> MAS�+1>5 E �tO L�LS I N C, A L�LT�tOTZ-Fr� <br /> 1�>Oaro( of a0VVK&L.S.SL0KIerS <br /> JCi��Oru2, 2004- <br /> TH15 MEEUNG WAS A UDIOTAPED FOR THE PURPOSENSCRIP77ON 0K . <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:35 p.m. A quorum declared with,the <br /> following members present* E. Stuart Peoples, Dan Homeyer, David Harsch and Richard <br /> Halpern. LaVerne Williams was absent. Also in attendance was Leila Botsford, Executive <br /> Director, <br /> SE I ETAR S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on December 11, 2003 were presented. A notion was <br /> rade by lir. Halpern and seconded by Mr. Homeyer to accept the minutes as <br /> presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual and Narrative:ive Mrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report including the Budget <br /> to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, and a written Bank Account Status report. <br /> Mrs. Botsford explained that the Budget to Actual report represents through the sixth month of I <br /> the fiscal year, Mrs. Botsford explained that, per fiscal year 2004 budge guidelines, DHCD is <br /> now requiring not onlyfor the board to'revlew the Budget to'Actual and Quarterly statement <br /> but also to sign off to certify that they have received, reviewedand read the reports, DHC is <br /> also now'-requiring tKat fee' c unt n.ts. provide Written reports on.budget comparisons <br /> quarterly by account including a variance report which identifies unanticipated 'variances of io n <br /> or greater. Mrs. Botsford reviewed the Quarterly and Budget to Actual reports, as well as the <br /> Variance Report which is attached as Attachment-A. A short discussion ensued regarding <br /> some apparent discrepancies between the Annual Budget amounts and the Current Budget <br /> amounts not prorated properly, Mrs, Botsford explained that she hadn't noticed that, and since <br /> it was the Fee Accountant`s report, she will have to ask hire for an explanation. All members <br /> signed the Certification regarding the reports and Mrs. Botsford will forward to DHCD. <br /> Accounts.-Payables: Payables totaling $10,,821.48were presented to the Board for review, <br /> approval and signatures. The warrant was presented to the chairperson for his signature, <br /> Rent Delinauenci s:_ Mrs. Botsford stated that all rents are paid in full at Homeyer Village and <br /> Breezy Acres, Homeyer pillage and Breezy Acres are both at l00% occupant <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Homeyer and seconded by Mr. Halpern to accept the <br /> treasurer's report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS,REPORT* J., <br /> Mrs* Botsford.remarked that she had mailed her repots tq ffie,`b6a' d for th_a m.on' <br /> December.--}lt is attached to,these minutes as Atta hmen ►._ix _ . ,{ .F - rf <br /> mrs.-Batsford added the'following'report, which eras:Mefiy discussed: <br /> Annual recertificetions have been seat out for both Homeyer Village and Breezy Acres. I <br /> will be working on thea throughout the rest of January and into February. <br /> Page 1 of 1 <br />