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Paul I oelte has started work as our new Maintenance Laborer and will be working Mondays and <br /> Thursdays. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: Bone <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> ADLOPTION OF N EW M RVP Inco me !units: M rs, Botsford informed the board that the DH CD <br /> has issued revised MRVP Income Limits for Determination of Eligibility and Continued <br /> Occupancy, which the board must adopt so that they can be put into effect, A motion was <br /> made by Nor. Peoples and seconded by Mr. Halpern to adopt the new I RVP Income <br /> Limits as prim in DHCD notice dated March 10,, 2004. The motion was adopted. <br /> Mr. Horeyer wished for the record to reflect his"nay"vote for the reason that he"doesn't like <br /> that the Mate mandates ghat we must do and vote on, and that we do not have any choice," <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: hone <br /> CO # NICATIoNS CORRESPON ENCE: Mrs, Botsford reported that the Department of <br /> Labor and Workforce has issued the pay rate of$16.21 for the Maintenance Laborer affective <br /> April 1, 2004. She also reported that we have received a tetter from DHCD giving us permission <br /> to close the MRVP Project-Based to-bedroom waiting list. <br /> The net meeting will be Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 5:30 Pel. <br /> A meffion was made by Mr. peoples and seconded by Mr. Halpern to adjourn. The <br /> motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 P. O <br /> espectfu ubmi dr <br /> eI fiord,,, cretary <br /> ive i re r <br /> &Lach-ment <br /> For the month of March 2004 <br /> P ro ram update: <br /> ,Holn=r V111 . loo occupancy, All rents were all paid in full. This past month we <br /> had Bingo, as usual. <br /> BMM&VUL705: l00% occupancy. stents were all paid in full. <br /> leetinos-gMinded: <br /> � ����� Sir <br /> This month I attended the following meetings. the SHA (small Housing Authority Director's <br /> Organization) meeting, SMEDA (Southeastern Mass. Executive Director's Associa on) board <br /> meeting and regular meeting, the Mashpee C A (Council on Aging) board meeting, MHS <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />