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ML"Vuutes Of the MeetLVt'9 <br /> MAS r i LotS I C, Ato(TFt0TZ.(TY <br /> If 01 <br /> 1�>Oarol of aomm&Lss I Wvuers <br /> M2, 2005 (Do7v <br /> THIS MEEUNG WA 5 A UD10 TAPED FOR THE PURP05E OF T RA N50 YP 7 TON ONL K <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:55 p.m. A quorum declared with the <br /> following members present: Richard Halpern, E. Stuart Peoples, and Dan Horneyerr. Deborah <br /> Battles and David H rsch were absent. Also in attendance was Leila Botsford, Executive <br /> Director. <br /> Annual Elections: The like-Chairperson announced the opening of nominations for election of <br /> Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners for the Mashpee Housing Authority. A motion <br /> was made by Mr. Homeyer and seconded by Mr. Halpern to nominate David Harsch <br /> for the position of chairperson, The motion carried unanimously. The Vice <br /> Chairperson announced the opening of nominations for election of Vice-Chairperson of the <br /> Board of Commissioners for the Mashpee Housing Authority. A motion was made by Mr. <br /> Homeyer and seconded by Mr. Halpern to nom i nate E. Stuart Peoples for the <br /> position of Vice-Chairperson. The notion carried unanimously,, The Vice-Chairperson <br /> announced the opening of nominations for election of Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners <br /> for the Mashpee Housing Authority. A notion was made by Mr. Homeyer and seconded <br /> by Nor. Peoples to nominate Richard Halpern for the position of Treasurer,. The <br /> motion carried unanimously. The ice-Chairperson announced the opening of nominations <br /> for,election{of Assistant Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners for the Mash pee Housing <br /> �N <br /> uth rit�r.f• ration was made-,OyiMrz- Homeyer-and.-seconded•byT' r�"Halpern t * <br /> nominate Deborah Battles for the position of Assistant Treasurer. The motion <br /> carried unanimously. = - <br /> SECRETARrS REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on April 14, 2005 were presented. A motion was made <br /> by Mr. Homeyer seconded by Mr, Halpern to accept the minutes as presented. The <br /> motion was adopted, <br /> TREASUREWS-REPORT. <br /> Budget to Actual and Narrative: Mrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report including the Budget <br /> to Actualap ort, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents through the tenth month f <br /> the fiscal year. Mrs. Botsford reviewed and provided an explanation for other variances* <br /> Accounts Pa ables: Payables totaling $10,094.14 were presented to the Board for review, <br /> approval and signatures. The warrant was presented to the vice-chairperson for his signature. <br /> Rant,Delin uencies:,-firs.=.Botsford-stated that all. residents paid in.f ll at Homey r pillage and <br /> Breey� cres. �. ...-ii- •',, J,}l}f., R -r-• ',*� •, i �y��' • -t • .r + _ � I ��, �... t.,�r#�� . <br /> F Ort Ird ry }y•},r. a'' .A P •y Lt ## i+*.. -♦ •I } $ 4 <br /> r <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Halperin and seconded by Mr. Homeyer to accept the <br /> treasurer's report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> Page 1 of <br /> a <br />