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Of tke me' etWL/13 <br /> MAS FtP E E �-tO LetS I N Ci A GLTFM*ZA TY <br /> P>Ourol of <br /> 1 . <br /> October 1�j 2005 <br /> THIS MEE7TNG WAS AUDIO TAPED FOR THE PURPOSE E TRA NSCRIP 7TON ONL Y. <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at :10 p.m. A quorurn declared with the <br /> following members present: Richard Halpern, David Harsch, Francis Laporte, and Deborah <br /> Battles* Dan Homeyer was absent. Also in attendance: Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board <br /> Secretary. Audience members: Representative Matthew Patrick, Homeyer Village residents Lois <br /> Barthel and Cheryl Burke. The chairperson asked if there was any public comment to be rade. <br /> There was none. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT. <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on September 8, 2005 were presented. A motion gra <br /> made by Mr. Laporte seconded by Mr. Halpern to accept the minutes as presented <br /> The notion was adopted. <br /> TREAS REW REPORT: <br /> Budget-to Actual acrd,Nar-rati e; Mrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report including the Budget <br /> to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents through the third month of <br /> the fiscal year: ,yrs. Botsford reminded the board that,- until th6r,FY 2006 budget is approved, <br /> the accountant is using last gears figures in his budget-to-actual reports. She reviewed and <br /> provided an explanation for Variances. r <br /> Accounts Payables: Payables totaling $6,692,55 were presented to the Board for review, <br /> approval and signatures. The warrant was presented to the chairperson for his signature. Mrs. <br /> Botsford also presented cheeps written from the MRVP account totaling $4,421.00 with regards <br /> to the payout to tenants, per H D#s correspondence received October 6. <br /> Fent linguencies: Mrs. Botsford stated that all residents paid in full at Homeyer Village and <br /> Breezy Acres, <br /> I <br /> A motion was made by Ms. Battles and seconded by Mr. Halpern to accept the <br /> treasurer's report as presented. The notion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford remarked that she had mailed her report to the board for the month of August <br /> i and it is attached to these minutes as Attachment A. <br /> rs.'Botsford added the fol In report, Iii eras b�riefl r disc�,ss d: t .- Y ,,s -�: ; <br /> I <br /> k <br /> Mrs. Botsf r-d met'with Rich Presbrey of HAC and discussed how HA may bint r to <br /> in developing the Asher's Patin property. We tallied about the different options, and <br /> looked at the property. He was also interested in seeing if there was a gray to get <br /> Homeyer Village ars elevator and possibly extending the development. He agreed that <br /> Page 1 of 5 <br />