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mwk,vctes of the meet&ML3 <br /> „liS <br /> de n <br /> MA,SK1>EE FVC>KSlNc:; AL�LT�tOR.I—r� <br /> i <br /> rod of a0MK41*.S&L0VQrS <br /> Mnrohj,, 2000 <br /> THIS MEE77NG WAS AUDIO TAPED FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRA NSCRIPTTON DNL Y. <br /> The meeting was called to order by the-chairperson at 4;37 p.m, A quorum declared with the following <br /> members present: Richard Halpern, David Harsch, Francis Laporte, and Dan Ho eyer Deborah Battles, <br /> was absent. Also in attendance: Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary. There was no public <br /> comment. <br /> Mics. Botsford informed the board that at about 9:45 AM this morning, she received ars email from <br /> Deborah Battles tendering her resignation, effective immediately. The email was seat to all board <br /> members, and a printed copy was provided in their board packets this evening. <br /> The board met to prepare for the interviews for the two applicants who submitted proposals for the <br /> Ashe.r's Path development. A discussion ensued regarding questions for the applicants. Miry. Botsford <br /> mentioned that she did not have any experience in the Low Income Housing Tax credit program, but <br /> would gladly be trained to learn. <br /> A motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by lir. Halpern to more to agenda item <br /> and on until interviews were to start. The motion was adopted,, <br /> SECRETARY'S Y' REPORT: <br /> Minutes fog-the regular meeting held on February 2,R 2006 were presented. Mr. Laporte-called attention to <br /> aorrecttion-needed.i to minutes-:'pa ,three,'thiid paragraph from'b tt6m sh6uld read that the Executive <br /> Director's,report was,interrupted.=' riot tabled. A motion was made by Mr. Harlpern and seconded <br /> by Mr. Laporte to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion was adopted. <br /> irs. Botsford-stated'that the next item on the agenda sh uld be deleted, as the special.meeting for <br /> March 2. 2006-was cancelled.' <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> T: <br /> Bud" AgActual and plaintive: Mfrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report including the Budget to Actual <br /> Report,,, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents through the eighth month of the fiscal year. <br /> She reviewed and provided an explanation for variances. Mrs. Botsford also provided a bank account <br /> report to the board. <br /> Accounts Payables:. Payables totaling $8,136.56 were presented to the Board for review, approval and <br /> signatures. The warrant was presented to the chairperson for his signature. <br /> Rent [ elina ncie :. Mfrs. Botsford stated that all rents were pard in fall at Home er Village, but one <br /> tenant at Breezy Acres has given notice to move and has not paid her rent. We have 100% occupancy <br /> Breezy Acres. <br /> motion.-was made by.Mr. Laporte and seconded.Py_ r.+Home ear to;wept-the tre sure s <br /> report a presented. The'n�ot�on was ado ted}. <br /> YY .f .�. fi-t*.,,%r 'F r��"'� ,}. fa.t ..a•*yy. T}a as..A i •' <br /> ECUTI-VE. IRECT � `,IEP Ti� 'f x,.+°� - h' . ,.- ,• ++n i�x•,' #r i!'- � . a+ .: Y�4' ' ._J w-# '.I sf'.. �"Ur <br /> 'a <br /> a� <br /> Mrs.-tBotsford.remarked that she had mailed hee,report to"thy board for the nth of tebr-uary.and ,r <br /> attached to these minutes as.Aftachment A* t <br /> Nims. Botsford provided ars additional written report, which was discussed. The report was as follows. <br /> Page I of <br /> # �\ aI k NM -i Nt t•" rt•¢/t Y•..M R."ti. . Q '.# LL r'r�, t <br />