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ML'V" t the m t�w'o <br /> moa C0VV.Kd'9SL0YLerS <br /> PED m u 1" 2006 <br /> THIS MEE77NG WAS AUDIO TAPED FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRA NSCP P 7YON ONL K. <br /> The meeting was called to order by the vice-chairperson at 5:40 p.m. A quorum declared with the <br /> following members present: Richard Halpern, Francis Laporte, and Dan Homeyer. David Harsch was <br /> excused. Also in attendance- Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary. There was no one <br /> present, other than board members, for public comment. Mr. Homeyer asked to be heard for public <br /> comment. Mr. Homeyer said that a couple tenants have asked that he raise a couple issues of theirs. <br /> Reading from notes he said they had a question about why the crosswalk has been discontinued and <br /> they now have to use one rear the church. Mr. Halpern said that this item was going to be addressed at <br /> the meeting and that the tenants were suppose to be present to discuss it. Mrs. Botsford stated that she <br /> had a meeting with residents a week ago and they were informed that they should come to tonight's <br /> meeting at 5:30 for public comment. She stated that there were three or four residents here about 20 <br /> minutes ago, but they left before the meeting started. Mr. Homeyer asked is Mrs. Botsford also <br /> addressed the issue of the 21 year old that is playing basketball? Mfrs. Botsford said she knew nothing <br /> about this; It had not been brought to her attention before. Mrs. Botsford encouraged Mr. Homeyer to <br /> ask tenants to core to her with management issues. Mr. Homeyer stated that he didn't know why the <br /> tenants asked him to mention it. He said that they have re-established their group but don't seem to get <br /> anywhere. Mrs. Botsford stated that the tenant association was reestablished.for a short period of time, <br /> bort there was not enough interest it was dissolved. <br /> -me: i :- h irp s g r da:item r la ing.t -the cross r lk.�,.. ; . ., <br /> t <br /> t I i"Y. r•* *'7'Y1 j i' �� �..� re m '. ii ' 'l � +M } y ,k"+ .. ++ry *. �` h+'• _5 `_,w 1. R .. + .. <br /> Axa a�a, �� k" 11�`�" *"� - �� -1: .�.-. 'ti��. .a.. � _ � t .i <br /> ash R oM"nmr o- ns'. ro osal re ard�n crosswalk: Mrs; B tsford-reminded the board-Ahatthe <br /> Homeyer. fill g ,ten nts had senMashpee a p titl n to Mapee C mmons regarding their concern about cars not <br /> being able to see pedestrians in the crosswalk on Job's Fishing Road. Mrs. Botsford was invited to a <br /> meeting with Jiro Vacaro (representing Mashpee Commons) and Joyce Mason. She presented the board <br /> with a copy of a proposed plan from Mashpee Commons to move the-existing crosswalk to the end of the <br /> parking lot, down to Christ the King Parish's parking lot and onto the walkway. She explained that they <br /> propose abandoning the existing walkway and putting this one in, pending approval by Christ the King <br /> Parish. A short discussion ensued and a motion was made by Nor. Laporte and seconded by [fir. <br /> Homeyer to not abandon the existing crosswalk but move forward with the proposed new <br /> walkway as a second one, if approved by Christ the Ding Parish. The motion was adopted. <br /> The price-chairperson went to back to the regular agenda. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on April 13, 2006 were presented. A motion was made by Mr. <br /> Laporte and seconded by Mr, Homeyer to accept the minutes as printed. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> T EAS U RE ' 'REPORT: <br /> T. <br /> i <br /> Btu t = ctu l.and.Narr ti e: Mrs. Basford provided a treasurers report including.the.Budget to ct�ual <br /> Re' 'reared by the fee-- countantt,W' hich repres n through the tenth month of the fiscal year. <br /> She.reviewed.and:provided an explanation for variances. 1rs..Btford also provided a bank account <br /> report to bh e k bai rd . . , . -- <br /> ACCount5 Payables: Payabletotaling $8,545.65 were presented to the Board for review, approval,and <br /> signatures. The warrant was presented to the vice--chairperson for his signature. <br /> Page 1 of <br />