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)+)+ CP (Community Preservation Act update/Report from liaison: Mr. Halpern reported that the funds for <br /> k <br /> CPA are dwindling and they expect spending to decrease in the years to come. Most of the monies <br /> available to the CPA need to 90 to paying down debt for open space. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: None that hasn't already been discussed. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 5:30 PM at Asher's Path <br /> Apartments. A motion was made by Ms. Allen and seconded by Mr. Halpern to adjourn. The <br /> motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at ;20 P.M. <br /> Fespe 11 sub ed, <br /> Ea Bots , Secreta <br /> ecutive Director <br /> Attachment A: <br /> Executive Director's Report <br /> For the months of November 2008 <br /> Program update: <br /> Homeyer Villag : We had all rents paid in full at Homeyer Village. we still have one vacancy <br /> the wheel-chair accessible that I am still in the process of selecting a tenant for. Another tenant has <br /> given notice to move in January, so I've just started the process of qualifying an applicant. III keep you <br /> posted. As usual, the monthly newsletter was sent out to all residents. In addition, a surrey was done to <br /> see abort interest in a holiday party. There was some interest shorn, so I.arn coordinating a holiday- <br /> party and Yankee Swamp for December 19. <br /> Breezy Acres/705: We had all rents paid in full at Breezy Acres, except for one resident who we have <br /> issued a 14 day notice to quit. The case has been given to Pat Grace, our attorney to process In court <br /> and a court date is set for raid-January. we did rent the vacancy we had, but now have another. These <br /> tenants moved without proper notice. They left quite a bit of their belongings behind and owe yrs a <br /> month's rent. In addition, there are quite a few repairs needed in the unit. I will be speaking to our <br /> attorney about recouping this money. I arra in the process of tenant selection and mope to have the unit <br /> rented in a month or two. <br /> Asher' Path: We had all rents paid in full at Asher"s Path. We have one vacancy, which should be filled <br /> soon ---I'm waiting for approval from Peabody Properties on the tenant I've selected. As usual, the <br /> monthly newsletter was sent out to all residents, I had my monthly"First Mondays Meeting"with <br /> residents. There was a birthday party, bingo and the Key Club carne from Mashpee High School. we <br /> have another vacancy corning available in January. <br /> i sc. <br /> The monthly MIVPAHIP/DMH reports were submitted. <br /> • The monthly Energy Consumption reports were submitted. <br /> 0 Of the 61 applications vire received for the part-time Custodian/Groundskeeper position, <br /> Vincent and I have interviewed sic. Three were very good applicants, and I have checked <br /> references on our top pick. If the CORI check comes back OK, I will be offering him the <br /> position and hope to start him by the beginning of January. <br /> AHVP Vouchers: We have 2 AHVP vouchers. <br /> MRVP VOUCHERS (MOBILE): currently we have 18 voucher holders in Mashpee. <br /> I VP Project Based Vouchers: We currently have 38 PB vouchers leased. <br /> EHM Program: we currently have 3 leased. <br /> Section B; we currently have 9 Housing choice Vouchers leased in Mashpee. <br /> -3 - <br />