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4/9/2009 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
4/9/2009 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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i <br /> OF <br /> ML#'Enos m tt�Vk' <br /> MAS G l L�LS I l Cj ALooLTft0T;Z.IT_Y <br /> -F>oarol of C,0K&K&L'S.S'L0V6erS <br /> Aprkq, 2009 <br /> 77.. l ANG RYAS A UVIO TAPED FOR THE PURP05E OF TRANS 'R PT #1 ONL Y <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:40 PM. A quorum was declared with the <br /> following members present: David Hars h, Fran Laporte, Richard Halpern, and.dill Allen. Also in <br /> attendance: Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary, Vincent Gault, Maintenance <br /> Superintendent, and Peter white, a member of the public. <br /> Mr. Harsh asked if there was any public comment. Mr. White rade a brief statement.including that he <br /> was the owner of La Plaza del Sol and had a great interest in affordable housing in the town of f ashpee, <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on February 1 , 2009 were presented. A motion was rade b <br /> Mr. Halpern and seconded by Mr. Laporte t -accept the minutes as printed. The motion vias <br /> adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Bud et to Actual and Narrative: Mrs. Botsford provided everyone a treasurer's report including the band <br /> account report and the Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents <br /> through the ninth month of the fiscal year. She reviewed the budget to actual and provided an <br /> explanation for variances. <br /> Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for the 4001 account, MRVP account, and <br /> Section -account were presented to the board for review and signatures. Accounts payables were: For <br /> March 13, 2009 through April 9, 2009: $21,566.83 for 4001, $10,433.00 for Section B, and $22,028.00 for <br /> RVP. <br /> Rent Delin uendes; Mrs. Botsford reported we have all rents paid in full at Homeyer village and Asher's <br /> Path. One resident at Breezy Aches has promised to pay in full by nett Thursday. A motion was made <br /> by Ms.Allen and seconded by Mr. Halpern to accept the treasurer"s report as presented. The <br /> motion was adopted. <br /> E ECUTI E DIRECTOWS REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford remarked that she had mailed her report to the board for the months of February and <br /> larch-acrd they is attached to these minutes as Attarchment A and Attach ment a. <br /> Ms. Botsford provided an additional brief written report, which was discussed. The report was as follows: <br /> On larch 19 HUD announced the new income limits and maximum rents for the UHTC program. <br /> Rents have been increased at A her's Path from $647 to $681. There have been some residents <br /> that have complained,, but this increase is mandated. one resident called Peabody Properties to <br /> request finan 'aI information-ori the property for the past two years. That request eras denied, as <br /> management is not required to provide residents with this information. I have provided residents <br /> with an explanation of the increase, and will also include something in the May newsletter. <br /> The informal resident association at Asher's Path is still unsteady. Some residents have quit the <br /> board because of"in fighting""'. The association, at this point, is considered informal and social as <br /> far as Peabody Properties is concerned.. when the housing authority takes over I will have to see <br /> where they are at with things. <br /> � 1 � <br />
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