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6/18/2009 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
6/18/2009 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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M'LPV1'1.0CteS of the m t'vl'o <br /> MASfiPeF �+OLASINCi ALALT�f0TZITY <br /> of of c n. .LS i. �e <br /> i <br /> JL4_016 R, 2009 <br /> IF THIS 111 WAS AUDIO TAPED1T IS FOR THE PURPOSE F TRA NSCRIP 770N ONL Y <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 6:25 PM. A quorum was declared with the <br /> following members present: David Harsch, Fran Laporte, Richard Halpern, and new member Kevin <br /> hackett. Also in attendance: Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary and Vincent Gault, <br /> Maintenance Superintendent. Kevin in hack ett was welcomed. Jill Allen joined the meeting at <br /> approximately 6:35 PM. <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on May 7., 2009 were presented. A motion was made by Mr. <br /> Laporte and seconded by Mr, Halpern to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual andNarrative: Mrs. Botsford provided everyone a treasurer's report including the bank <br /> account report and the Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents <br /> through the eleventh month of the fiscal year. She reviewed the budget to actual and provided an <br /> explanation for variances. <br /> Accounts Payables. Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for the 4001 account, MRVP account, and �' <br /> Section 8-account were presented to the board for review and signatures. Accounts payables for May 8, <br /> 2009 through Jure 18, 2009 were as follows: $22,217.11 for 4001, $8,418.50 fog-Section 8, and <br /> $22,,280.00 for MRVP. Mrs. Botsford reported that DHCD sent a notice that funding for the MRVP in June <br /> was going to be late so they directed housing authorities to transfer money from other accounts to cover <br /> rental payments until the money arrives. This has been done. <br /> Rent Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford reported we have all rents pard in full at Homeyer pillage, Breezy <br /> Acres, and Asher's Path. A motion was made by Mr. Halpern and seconded by Mr. Laporte to <br /> accept the treasurer's report as presented. The motion was adoptee. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her report to the board for the month of May and it is attached <br /> to these minutes as Attachment A. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that she was unable to attend the last meeting of the Cape Cod housing authority <br /> Executive Directors because of the Spectrum audit. Following the meeting, she received two calls from <br /> people who had attended informing her that there is a belief that the Crape Cod Commission is <br /> researching, and in fact hiring a consultant, regarding regionalizing housing authorities. The cape <br /> directors plan on requesting support from their board of commissioners regarding their position on this <br /> subject, as the group has requested to be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioner meeting <br /> on July 1. After a brief discussion, a motion was rade by Mr. Halpern and seconded by Mr, <br /> acett to let it be knotain that the Mashpee Housing Authority is against regionalizing <br /> housing authorities and that the Mashpee Housing Authority is not interested in regionalizing <br /> with other towns. The motion was adopted. Upon further discussion, the board agreed to sign a <br /> letter stating this, if necessary. <br />
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