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'Town <br /> of <br /> 16 Great Meek Roam worth <br /> Mashpee, acused 02649 <br /> Mashpee-Wakeby Lake Management Conwdttee <br /> Minutes of the Meeting of August 28, 200 <br /> Chairman William Marsters called the regular meeting of the Mashpee-Wakeby Lake <br /> Management ent Committee to order at 7:40 PM- <br /> Members Present Also Present <br /> William Marsters Sally and Edward S rjala <br /> Steven Cad rin Mimi Joseph <br /> Haas Fritschi Paul McGrath <br /> The minutes from the 7124101 meeting were corrected as follows: on page I T the Steve Cadr in <br /> report was actually the William Marsters report. Haas Fritschi moved that the minutes be <br /> approved as corrected. Motion was passed. <br /> Paul McGrath, a Sandwich Mashpee- akeby Lake property owner, stated that he had received <br /> our Newsletter, and was attending our meeting out of interest and concern for ongoing � <br /> maintenance and care of the lake, and offered his support of our efforts. He suggested that our <br /> future Newsletters should be geared toward the Sandwich property owners as well as Mashpee <br /> residents. Paul agreed to tweet with the Sandwich conservation went to inquire about that <br /> organization's interest in supporting the security on the Lake. <br /> Colonel Murray Letters <br /> Mimi Joseph reported that Jiro Hanks, Chairman of the Mashpee Waterways ommission, had <br /> written a letter to Colonel Murray after the 7123!01 jet ski/swimmer accident on it ashpe -Wakeb r <br /> Lake. His letter: dated 8114/01, states that since the accident, there has been stepped up patrol <br /> by Environmental Polite officers on the Lake, and that"it is having a noticeably Beneficial effect <br /> on safe boating activity on the pond." These statements are in contrast to the facts, and the <br /> Committee members all agreed that this letter is detrimental in our efforts to encourage Colonel <br /> Murray to become more involved with improving the security measures on the lake. Bill Marsters: <br /> who has had no response as yet from our 8117101 fetter to Colonel Murray, will try to reach <br /> Colonel Murray next week. Col. Murray's secretary, Nadine, can be reached at(617) 727-3905. <br /> Hans Fritschi reported that the Flemings, lake property owners, recently sent a letter to Col. <br /> Murray, reporting dangerous jet ski activity on the Lake, and their concern over a lack of safety for <br /> swimmers in the Lake. Dans was not sure whether the Flemings had received a response to their <br /> fetter, but would follow up to determine the status. <br /> Steve Cadrin will forward a copy of our Committee' 8117/01 letter to the Trustees of <br /> Reservations.ations. Also, he will again remind the Trustees about the critical lack of toilet facilities for <br /> Boaters who picnic and spend the day on the Reservations. The water around these islands has <br /> become polluted, and is a serious threat to the Lake. <br /> . 1 <br />