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�a <br /> [UMeI5Dftedj-,-r� <br /> EAVadt-tbp*l"041".Dam,&sluiceway� <br /> Discussion: �&s. Nichols presented -letter that she.had written to Joyce Mason voicing opposition to the <br /> high water levels. In a-meeting April 19, 2005, Nfis. Nichols met with Ms mason, and left her with a copy <br /> of the.d'own's 1998 letter assuring property owners that the lake would be 5 5'.5 feet, <br /> is flow at 56.5 feet. Parts of the Fngineenng repo -on the.dam showing there-is no structural plan or <br /> maintenan.ce plan for the darn, pictures of age; and figures for the water level at the darn every few <br /> weiik s.slr ce last.Oc oke Y`T -Cillo �J� ,� i�Joyce. �1►� F 1- There � 1# �t 1 �i��.+�i 1�f#.r� andti?t�ilid <br /> holding water level back in the lake. Continue -shoreline Mage is occurring. <br /> Mr. Fritschi stated shoreline,damage is occurring on Wakeby Lake, especially with the SW rinds. He, <br /> mentioned that be wnt n-to Mr. Sherman; of the.Conservation C o mission, who again pointed to the- <br /> .NUs -: NaturalHeritage-&Endangered Species Program as preventing a maintenance.plan to manage the- } <br /> v ter"levels in the.lake.u�t ,the rare:mussel species �, Wised y m the lake; has been s udi� meanwhile; <br /> Perry.has raised the:lake. 1 1/z feet=-with no concern for-any species involved in the damage. IN& <br /> Marsters shared.p ictures frown-The.Enterprise showing.the:bench at the town beach inches of <br /> water.. <br /> . amount- very detrimental dower, and.planned to write to <br /> �..faker � tb .lake. lutat�on.of nano ry p } <br /> the own manager; everyone,present wondered-if Natural heritage was aware.or the damage-bemng.caused. 4 <br /> by holding back the water to,this degree and causing-the sedimentation problems, add.itiond phosphorus <br /> M the lake increased weeds, and:resultant-dissolved.oxygen.problems. <br /> C ncIUsions: Surely, raising-the.lake-level 1 Yz detximenW to all species, thaw maintmining a F <br /> constant level that does not cause.shoreline,damage...- <br /> --E <br /> Discussion: <br /> Conclusions: <br /> Repectftffly submitted, <br /> f - <br /> Barbara-B. Nichols <br />