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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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[Agenda topic 3]'High Iry lake.water levels <br /> Discission: Mr. Baker did send a letter to Town officials explaining his concerns with holding back such <br /> a large amount of water in the la e�.and this committee received a copy. On May 9, 1 r. Marsters, Mrs. <br /> Nichols and a neighbor, Charles McClunin attended the Mav 9th Selectmen's meeting and voiced their <br /> disapproval of the town holding back. 1 inches of water at the darn, and causing serious property damage <br /> and soil erosion around the lake. The Enterprise published an article on the meeting, and quoted Joyce <br /> Mason as saying she would attend the next Dake Management meeting and would bring Perry Ellis and _�- <br /> Conservation. The following day, Joyce Mason called a meeting at Town Hall. Attending were Joyce <br /> Mason,,on,Perry Ellis, Barbara Nichols, William Marsters, Steve Sol o, Bob Sherman, Ed Baker, and <br /> Chuckie Green. Ideated discussion was held regarding the water level. Bob Sherman noted the endangered <br /> muscle species,Perry Ellis said there was only one 6 inch board and 2 2X 's blocking the darn. Barbara <br /> Nichols stated there was 3 1 inches of boards. The meeting ended with 1\&. Marsters,Mrs. Nichols, Perry <br /> Ellis and Joyce Mason going to the dam where the measurement showed that 31 inches of boards were <br /> present. The next day, ferry Eris removed one 2X 4. Fourteen l akeshore property owners carne to the <br /> May 24"'meeting expecting to meet with town official regarding the water level, but no one showed up. A5 <br /> reminder had been seat to all the previous day. One guest stated "That shows how much the - <br /> concerned with the d.arnage being caused around the lake." Mrs. Nichols reported that today there is 2 <br /> inches of watr being held back and 8.5 inches of water flowing over the boards. The lake is at 56.5 feet, <br /> still a foot over the recommended level. Questions were raised. Who gave Perry Ellis the authority to <br /> .control the lake level what are his qualifications` Does the Town have a license to control the lake <br /> level? who is paying the cost to remove all the trees that are falling in the lake? A letter was react from <br /> Wayne Carloni,telling of the damage to his home on wakeby Lake. Mr. Marcelli said there should be a <br /> person committee to control the lake level, made up of Conservation, Herring warden, and 2 lake shore <br /> property owners from MashpeeLake and one from wakeby. ; <br /> Conclusions: Property owners stated that if the Town would not come to our meeting, then they, the <br /> property.owners, should go to the Selectmen's meeting <br /> i <br /> T- i'Me:'. hotted],. [Agenda topic 41.,DPW proposing.beach � <br /> noun s h ment- <br /> 1 iscu cion: Barbara Nichols reported that she discovered a legal notice for a Conservation Commission <br /> hearing in the May 1 , 2005 edition of the 1 rla tepee Enterprise. P-W was proposing beach nourishment <br /> in Attaquin Park beach. Mrs. I ichois viewed the application on file at Conservation and discovered DPW <br /> planned to add"up to 200 tons'' of sand to the b ath. With the high lake level, there is a stream flowing <br /> across the beach and into the wetlands and then into the river. Mrs. Nichols felt until there was a plan in <br /> effect to control the lake level at 55.5 feet, nothing should be added to the bead. as it would only eater the <br /> wetlands. I&s. Nichols visited Mr. Taylor at DPW and explained her reasons for being opposed to the <br /> plan and thea wrote a letter to Conservation to put with the fila. A day later, Mr. Sherman called and <br /> stated that DPW had withdrawn the application for now. <br /> Conclusions: we need to continue watching the Legal notices for plans affecting Mshpee wakeby Lake. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />
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