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f <br /> IMF, <br /> +I n_ � 6pEyp -`.�1�'"-'3r.5 :I''..yyV� �r y rm'[4-�1f'`-' 7�,5�, �f k'✓r' }`'S_ <br /> �:�. �. .� vµ'k!"'=•' t .,' 5 f I'�ii �:�•.'r .}5 ' `��'I�r .'+I�7 - r'M-�' � .1�1, '-'.H'� ,� `1`a=;�.��.,}c.5� �,k J-� 'rr`.t° ':�^'.' <br /> :"ti::��...�. s. y1 �y1i,.� �?.,,�i�iat ��'��k,�n.;'�:�~{r1�' �.3' �1k � 'k,'%^� 'L.�r',.'�}'s�'Y,..I 4�"k-L .�,�.��� _ �s-1�`t, _f..•.k-fit �t .� .� '�i„r22.'a�'',�. <br /> k _ •�:� �- ��. ,'�. .'rS�'.� �S y+T' �i�"' ;7-.. 4:. � .�...-} 5].'r x-;z. tiN:! �� .31.I..r�i.1 �i¢U:..f., <br /> `YG-.,, L.: ��ihl, .�n"5y'i 'y,.. 111 3*�11 �1�1 n�.<� .,'�'.Nf 71+�� 7■I■[�' Y "-"7 �'� �"{*kIS -r2� �.k. ��''.S."/�+�r-1�"L'rL. ,L - .!•�' �- fy <br /> ��. ;��. �.`xi3G3 .�I 7,�Yr'.yr`�S' .'1,,��. - �4 =� �C�`' •.'�'�'� tt+ �S- ��� r' y.�v'{.. '+�. �:°f �+" u�-1�'sR' n4�a1' .Yr .,.r�r <br /> �'C�,1 'Y'''r�F.7... ,k �xsF"9:.rid�rt";,�}�I��5y _.�.sl•tk�_�x� 5 � ,.SL h•+ .mss.s f4i r�_.��k,�.r�_y.y.��.sr�„ ':� 7 JR K'=C'��rv�.,,{�.�f � !�J J ���}:' l�� •J� }n^c',_. .Rx�_'�.° t� rlh6 <br /> ;E� ���, ''�..� .r,�.1�,�' Y�JI .a'I k i r�;• ti4H"S .x r� -,��r;" �.:�k >x �3i 3 Y`. c .�• �'�5,� �:' �4�� }�.� ,�.�,�'c,.�+.5'f; -rr':�J :-9,ts poky} £, 5yn�' ,�.�at <br /> }' ��k k�� .Y"h�L i• 1 1 Y �"' ���Y�r.'.i �i rr�-��� �h ���i��'��.{�+w�" �.J-�rvr�'. I IJ 1' � ��5fi7�Yfin�H4i�KP�� ''�hl-� <br /> Discussions: Assistant harbormasters were trained to write tickets on the AVIA boating laws on July 3 1, a <br /> Sunday afternoon. Since that time,there has been a decrease in the amount of reekdess activity by jet <br /> skiers,and they are off the lake by the-7 PM deadline most of the time. It was not known if boating <br /> information is being handed out by Leisure services at the boat ramp. Where now are 2 Bouse.Houses at <br /> the state ramp ar'e' a. . <br /> Conclusions: Vere is a noticeable improvement in the control of boating on the lake with the increased <br /> activity of trained assistant harbormasters. <br /> .4. IN` `�._ �r � ' �#�5>�i''F_,. r�yFJ� -E1 ,f31 �.J`152L-.7F' c. .Ir-� _� " `Iv, r+�'i. � ��t� ` -' r'.J' 1s�51^,S! �" <br /> Yh'�s `�5.:aeti'is^�Y-'.��4���Nn' ��!fItIY�'QaL ���s �}'r1 -n���-�rlYr.�Sr'�'t55��'�£;��,..4�����r�L'.r,� <br /> Discussion: The Summer 2005 newsletter has been mai <br />