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[Agenda topic 3] Newsletters <br /> Discussion: Several newsletters from our last mailing were returned with incorrect addresses. Barbara <br /> corrected Sandwich addresses and Ed Baker corrected the Mashpee ores, and Mr. Baker compiled a new- <br /> file formatted for pn'nting labels. It was suggested that the spring newsletter should be completed by. <br /> March to allow time for the. 'own Manager and Selectmen to OK it for mailing. <br /> Members would like to include the bass tournament list, boat1ng rules on Mashpee lake and information to <br /> highlight the differences in rules for Mashpee and.wakeby Pond from other Mashpee pee Lakes. <br /> Conclusions: Articles for the newsletter should be submitted soon to meet our earlier deadline. <br /> 4 <br /> [Time allotted]. [Agenda topic 4] Mashpee AVakeby Pond <br /> Regulations <br /> . Discussion.: Members wondered,if Leisure Services had updated the regulations for the Public access <br /> Facility. Heidi had been working on this last,lune. Members also wondered if the new signs being made <br /> would be in place by net spring: <br /> Conclusions: Barbara will check with Heidi in Leisure Services. <br /> x <br /> [Time allotted] [Agenda topic 5] Water-Quality Issues <br /> Discussion: Ed Bakerp resented the MEC booklet he had compiled with this years results of water testing : <br /> done on the five Mashpee Ponds. He also shared the new booklet titled,"The.Sachem's Place `'which <br /> contains history and information on the otuit Santuit watershed. Ed also mentioned that the next.Ponds <br /> in Peril 'workshop would be held Dec . Some members expressed an interest in tten&n . ;. <br /> .Conclusions: UEC now has threey ears of data on the water quality of the five ponds in Mashpee. This <br /> .data is available on the web site. <br /> Respectfully submitted , <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />