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<br /> Discussion: Mernbe'rs are working on their contributions for the newsletter. George wrote an article on
<br /> problems this committee has focused on this year, and Barbara wrote one on the new measurementg' .uagip
<br /> oti the lake. Bill.plans one on boating rules and Hans.is.considering one on nitrogen. Ed Baker presented
<br /> 3 pages of the newsletter he had completed thus far. George Bingham presented a letter he had received
<br /> from a gentleman'requesting to be added to our mailing lift.
<br /> -C n lusi ns: It is hoped that the newsletter can be completed by March.
<br /> -
<br /> `c.
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<br /> isussion: 'We w'hae a'revised edition of bass toumaments dated January 31,07. Barbara Nichols
<br /> spoke with to ce Mason.about havimg 3 tourna'm'erits with over 70 boats, one of which i on June
<br /> month when the launckrules state entries will be limited to 24 boats. On September 9 th,the Plymouth
<br /> Rock group is back. This group had the beer arta barbeque in the launch area before going out for an
<br /> evening tourney, and thi
<br />