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t <br /> I <br /> [Agenda topic 31 Bass Toumaments <br /> Discussion: The last list of bass-totumaments received by the committee from Pe=Ellis was dated <br /> January 3 1. Barbara wondered if any more had been added as we want to include the correct information <br /> our newsletter. _. <br /> Conclusions: Barbara will contact Perry Ellis and-notify-fid Baker if there are ft rth r additions. <br /> [Agenda.topic- ] Newsletter • <br /> Discussion: Bill Taylor offered an article about the meetings of Lake Management Committee. d'Baker <br /> presented a preliminary copy of the newsletter. Members decided to save the article on the Hydrologic <br /> Cycle until the next newsletter; and insert Bill Taylor's article instead. Ed,will update the lake level graph <br /> to include the March h reading, and Barbara will check on bass tourney information. Members agreed t <br /> have Barbara and Ed proof read the newsletter and.get it to the town Manager and Selectmen for <br /> their perusal witWn the next two creeks. It,is hoped to have the newsletter l .id May. <br /> Conclusions: The spring newsletter is nearing completion, and should be nailed by nod May. <br /> [Agenda topic-5]..Amen'Gorps&Hering-Run <br /> Discussion: Terrie Cook could rich attend the meeting and no information-was available. This item was <br /> postponed un it the next meeting,- <br /> Conclusions: The item was postponed. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> 4. a_;I <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />