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.i <br /> [.Agenda topic 31 Con vatio Hearing , <br /> Discussion: Barbara Nichols reported on' the hearing which she attended. Conservation was only <br /> interested 1n the steps down over the circa Sof t. bank. Other concerns raised by residents such as <br /> proximity to the M shpee River, sedimentation, fuel spillage and moorings and NE winds punishing the <br /> area was not in heir area of concern. The meeting was continued until March 22dand then aairy until <br /> April . Several residents of Mashpee Shores, who were opposed, said their Association never voted on' <br /> the proposal. The developer was to get measurements of the distance from the river.which was estimated <br /> by ars abutting landowner as 118 from the river to the staircase. <br /> Conclusions: Putting in new stens and moving 1/2 the'moorings at Mashpee Shores has been postponed <br /> until April 4. 2008. <br /> [Agenda topic ] 80 plus ac. Pry -e t y for 'sale <br /> Discussion. Discussion was held on the 80 plus acres of land near Mashpee wal eb and offered to the <br /> p yp <br /> 'own for. .2 million. The possibility of development on this property could further impair the water <br /> quality in the pond. Mr. Taylor made a notion, seconded by Barbara Nichols to write a letter to the board <br /> of Selectmen that the committee was in favor of the Town acquiring the property. The motion passed 3-0. <br /> Conclusions: Barbara:Nichols will take a copy of our vote to the Town Manager and Selectmen. <br /> [.Agenda topic ] <br /> i Discussion: <br /> Conclusions: <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9:07 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />