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Ma' shpee Wa, kebyLake Management <br /> <br /> October ,2008 <br /> - 7:30 PM. <br /> M p To' - ll <br /> .eeti n ; l I d by; William Marter <br /> Type of r etic- : Monthly <br /> Sed.retary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Atten ee : Members: William Marster's, William Taylor, Barbara Nichols, <br /> . G egt : -Edward# mer, <br /> •the minutes-of-the Sc Pte mb e r-2.3; 2 -meetingwere-accepted-ag-IAntta: <br /> -[-Agenft-ftq*6-fl-Lake-levet- <br /> Discussion: The October 15th late level was at 55.3,having dropped quickly back t that level after the <br /> inches of rain. Ido change was noted in the boards. DPW had clewed out the dans before the October 1 t <br /> reading. Ed Baker pointed out that if there is a dry spell before a rain storm, water.can get trapped 1n the <br /> sandy zone by capillary action before reaching the ground water. Jet skiers are still using the lake, and <br /> once this week,_seemed to be exeeeding.the 45 mph speed limit. Barbara will email data on the amount of <br /> water flowing over the boards to members. a <br /> Conclusions; The lake level was back to 55: ft.above sea level. <br /> tAgendk tp is 21 1Tw ! ttrs <br /> Discussion: Newsletters were mailed out,Oct. 7th at a cost of 83 cents. Discussion was held about whether <br /> the format should be changed to a different shape using legal sized paper folded. It was pointed out that <br /> the Post Office had'specified that the newsletter in its present form should cost one first class stamp to <br /> nail. Two newsletters were returned thus far for incorrect addresses. Barbara mailed a copy of the <br /> newsletter to Joyce Mason to-post on the town web sit ,.but it has not been-posted yet, ince this is don ,4 <br /> we can notify lakeside property owners that the newsletter is available online and save the cost of postage. <br /> The spring newsletter was never posted despite being y sent to Joyce Mason in June; <br /> Conclusions; Barbara will call David Delvecchio to see if he has received the newsletter copy. <br />