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[Agenda topic 3] Jam Information <br /> Discus ion: Barbara discovered Tetters and plans dated Oct.1960 —Jan.1962, for the dam at Mashpee <br /> River outlet i .the Archives building in Mashpee. A Joseph Ford who owned the propel' wanted to <br /> register a parcel of land and Mass. Attomey General filed ars objection as there were no plansfile for <br /> the concrete flume on the property. Lawyers and Selectmen at the time finally completed "after the fa ts' <br /> plans for the dam and 20 foot right of way to the darn from lit, 130. Bill Marsters found mention of the <br /> articles in the Town Reports for 1962 and 1.963. Bill Taylor suggested passing out these plans to various <br /> Town Departments who were unable to help us find plans for the dam several years ago_ <br /> Conclusions: Copies of"after the fact"plans for the dam exist in a file in the Mashpee Archives. <br /> [Agenda topic 41 Boating Rule changes <br /> Discussion: Bill Taylor had no further information 1n follow-up to the May meeting on whether the 2001 <br /> Boating rules for Mashpee were current: <br /> Conclusions: Bill will cheep with .Tim Hanks to see if there have been any changes in the boating rules. <br /> [Agenda topic-5] Board Reappointments/ <br /> Attendance Sheet -09 <br /> Discussion: The Town requested letters of interest for those seeking reappointment to Town Committees <br /> in an advertisement m The Enterprise. Barbara sent her letter to the BOS. Others were-encouraged to re <br /> apply. The 08-09 Attendance sheet was reviewed. <br /> Conclusions: Members were encouraged to reapply. The attendance sheet will be turned in to the <br /> Selectmen"s office. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />