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Mashpee Waked Lake Manqgg!ement <br /> Committee <br /> February 2 ,2010 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> -Meeting celled by: William Taylor <br /> Type of meeting: Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> r. 'Attendees: Mem-bers: William Taylor, George Bingham, Mans Ffits6hi, Barbara Ti h is <br /> -Mike- ish vm r,SekcimnIA.a i rn- <br /> Guests: Edward Baker, <br /> The minutes of the January 2 6, 201 o meeting were accepted as-written. <br /> Anda topics <br /> ..'1A e> .t ��e"l] Boating RWe 'Water W4 .-Site <br /> Discussion: The 2 00 5 boating rules are on the Waterways web site, although Chapter 17was amended <br /> in 2006:Before-referencing the boating rules in our spring newsletter, we want,t r ak sure-that Choy.are - -- <br /> culTent. Barbara emailed Al Wi kel, See. and Ken.Bates, Chairman of Waterways Comm. to let therm <br /> know of our plans. Both emailed that ferry Ellis, Hrorrnaster warted to know what information w <br /> were inducing, r aara emanea--DacK ax we omy im nd a-to r rerenee me site ana rrm in i a - oa ng <br /> rules in the newsletter. <br /> We would like to have updated boating rules to hand out at the boat launch area this summer, but we meed <br /> further information on the 06 amendments and why waterskiing turas are no longer only counter <br /> clockwise on the pond. <br /> Conclusions: We will just reference the boating rules on the Waterways web site in our spring newsletter. <br /> [Agenda-topic,2]Lak tevel <br /> Discussion: Barbara took measurements on Feb. I" and 1which were 55.8 and 55.7 ft. above sea level <br /> with 9.5 arra 10 inches of water flowing over the board. lee covered one of the gauges on the I". There is <br /> about 5 inches of sand in the spillway, which was cleaned out by DPW last Sept. Prior to that 1t was <br /> cleaned out by LVPW at our request 'n June 09, when there was 8.5-9 inches of sand. <br /> Conclusions; If sand continues to collect, we will contact Conservation Dept in the spring about removal. <br />