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i <br />' Mashp' ee Wakeby Lake Mana eme .t <br /> Committee' <br /> Nowem b r 23, 2010 <br /> 7:30 PM <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Meeting called by., William Marsters <br /> Type meting: Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: William Marsters, William Taylor, Barbara Nichols, Michael R. <br /> Richardson, Liaison <br /> Guests: Edward Baker, <br /> The minutes of the October 26, 201 o meeting were accepted as written, after motion by Bill Taylor and <br /> second by Bill Marsters. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [Agenda topic 1] Lake' level. <br /> Discussion: On November I"and 15 th the lake levels were at 55.4 and 55.6 with 7.25 and 9 inches of <br /> water going over the boards. On November 19 Barbara met Drew McManus at the Mashpee River <br /> outflow at the cage. Drew inserted 2 2X6s in an attempt to stop the water flow to see 1f our measurements <br /> were falsely low. The water was at 55.6 and although the unevenness of the bottom board prevented total <br /> stoppage of the flow, the water level at the gauge increased b .2 of a foot or 2.4 inches. At the conclusion <br /> -of the test,Drew removed the old 2 X 6. Barbara will continue to measure the lake twice a month and <br /> report Drew on the water level. We now know our water levels are indeed higher than we have been <br /> reporting. Ed Baker wondered if the height,of grater flowing over the boards affected the amount of water <br /> level not accounted for. If 9 inches of water flowing lets .2 of a foot dif 'erenc , sloes 4.5 inches of grater <br /> only increase the level by .l of a foot.? Is there a linear relationship? <br /> Conclusions: The water level is 2.4 inches higher than reported,but may improve with one less board. <br /> [Agenda' topic 2]'Sumer NeWslettr <br /> Discussion: d ike Richardson has the master and has obtained permission from Joyce Mason to print 20 <br /> copies of our Summer Newsletter. He Dopes to have this done tomorrow. We will put 6 copies in the rack <br /> at Town Fall and refill. . <br /> Conclusions: The request for printed copies of the newsletter is still unfulfilled. <br />