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[Age,nda topic.31 Lake Speed I'Mt <br /> Discussion: Little infonnation has been gathered. Fd Baker felt that the best approach would be an article <br /> at Town meeting to reduce the speed on the lake subject to the State Public Access Board's approval. we <br /> dont want to try to lower the speed so much that we.lose the support of water-skiers living on the lake; <br /> however we want to prevent shore erosion and promote safety. <br /> Conclusions: A proposal for reducing boat speeds on the late is still in the beginning phase. � <br /> ['Agehdajo'ip'A� ]'Har�•s'resig .atibn/rc lac cntti { <br /> Discussion: Haas Fritschi's resignation was accepted by the,Town Dec. 6h. A certificate of appreciation <br /> was read by eke Richardson at the Town Meeting on January 10, thanking Hans for his 12 years of <br /> service on this committee. Barbara delivered the certificate to Hans on January 11 '. Another member is <br /> needed for this committee. Barbara made 3 phone calls to suggested replacements without success. Bill <br /> Taylor suggested one or 2 alternates should be found also. <br /> Conclusions: Hans Fritschi has stepped down. A replacement member is needed. <br /> [Ag" enda' topic $pr' T sl t er , <br /> Discussion: Subjects for the Spring newsletter were discussed. Barbara suggested the list of bass tourneys, <br /> a pond height chart,,and perhaps the proper disposal of medications. George suggested he write an article <br /> n the boating rules. Barbara suggested an article on the Town meeting warrant on reducing phosphorus <br /> in fertilizer. we hope to have this newsletter ready by the end of April. Barbara read a newspaper article <br /> from the CCT noting that Eastham is trying to clean up 2 ponds. Through education in our newsletter, we <br /> are trying to keep our ponds clean and safe. <br /> Conclusions: we will be writing articles for the spring newsletter, hoping to get it out by April. <br /> The meeting was adjued at 8-3IPM <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br /> IP <br /> w <br />