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[Agenda topic 3] Report on Summer Lake Activity <br /> f iscussion: The new Harbormaster, Stephen Mone was unable to attend as he was at the Reserve Police <br /> Academy for training in Special police authority. Lt. Read presented a report summarizing the boating- <br /> activity for the summer. Where was one waterskim' g accident resulting ina laceration, 1 bylaw violation, <br /> vessels sent off the lake and 10 warnings given. Lt. Read mentioned that the Boston whaler now in use on <br /> the lake had portable hand held radar to check for speeding violations. Only 7 complaints were received. <br /> He felt that them were adequate hours of coverage and he tamed to vary the tknes. Lt. Read mentioned that <br /> the waterways assistants made early introductions to bass tournament leaders and there were no problems <br /> noted'in the parking lot and no complaints received. Committee members living on the lake reported no <br /> problems despite our earlier concerns. Andrew questioned whether the navigational aids would be <br /> repaired as they were unreadable. Lt. Read-felt there would be good changes noted in the Dept. as-many <br /> old boats had been removed from waterways already. Lt. Read stated there was radio contact between <br /> Police Dispatch and the waterways Assistants. <br /> Conclusions: The report on summer boating activity was received and questions of members answered. <br /> [Agenda topic 41 Newsletter <br /> Discussion. Barbara handed out the newsletter for approval. She had found Toni Bayo, the new Assistant <br /> Town Manger to help with formatting the n vsletter, and it had been approved by Joyce Mason. Tom , <br /> rill male 25 copies for the rack at Town Hall and Barbara will mail a few. Email lists will be made to <br /> notify folks that the newsletter is now available on the Town web site. <br /> Conclusions: The Fall ne v lettear is completed and posted on the town web site. <br /> [Agenda topic 5] weed in Birch Cove <br /> Discussion: Barbara reported getting a sample of the weed with Paul Petracea. She discussed it with Brew <br /> McManus in Conservation who felt it was curly leaf pond reed. Barbara sent the sample weed to the <br /> Boston Aquarium for identification but has not heard back. A-ndrew reported a large amount of the weed <br /> at different areas in the late and he felt it was the greatest threat to the lake at this time. <br /> Conclusions:-The spreading weed is not positively identified. It is a great concern. <br /> The meetinwas adjourned at 8:37 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />