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Page -2- <br /> MashQee Library expansion Committee <br /> Minutes of February bio, 2002 <br /> Fequest for proposal: best done bj the archited <br /> It. State Funding: <br /> Relone DeFoe reports that ani grant rounds scheduled would be awarded <br /> to those presently waiting on a list for new libraries or library expansions. <br /> She spaKe with Ann Larson, who is on the ftard of Library <br /> Commissioners 8uilding Consulting Department. She suggests building <br /> for 20 years is the optimum way to obtain any state funds, if ani are <br /> available. Since the budget of UOZ was not good, there is not any money <br /> available right now. Kevin Connolly suggests a formal letter be written to <br /> her rather than the email and get her response in lottor farm as well. <br /> Helene DeFoe agrees to do this. <br /> Ill. Architect Discussion - Sohn enz: with the information of 22,000 square <br /> Feet, he will give this to Randall to get moving on the plans right away. <br /> Kevin GonnollY asKs the board if there are any needs of the library that <br /> have not been addressed - the board says no. There are no other issues <br /> to fallow up on. <br /> IV. Correspondence. <br /> Mr. Connolly maKes a node that he tried on two different occasions to <br /> reach Mr. Tailor from the Selectman's Officeand loft messages both <br /> times. He has not received a response to date. <br /> Kevin raises the question of where the $4million figure originated from <br /> and is there anything on paper regarding it. He. suggests a letter be put <br /> to9other from this committee to the Seledman*s office asKinq them about <br /> this' ideas on this library matter and what type of funds they could <br /> appropriate to us. The board agrees to have Mr. Gannolll write this <br /> letter. <br /> V. Old business - nonc <br />