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M <br /> Page -2- <br /> MashQee Library expansion Committee <br /> minutes of Marsh M, 2002 <br /> F*Ports: <br /> 1. <br /> Wayne Taylor discusses what the. selectmen have in mind for spending <br /> money on this prosect. He tells the committee that at the previous selectmen s <br /> meeting, a $ZmAlion figure was initially given. He, requested a $3million estimate <br /> be given and they agreed to live with that for the time being. He mentioned how <br /> important staying in control of a budget is but proposed that he boliove.-S there is <br /> some room in that figure. Mr. Taylor told the board that ul#imatell, it would be <br /> the town's decision. <br /> Kevin Connolly and the board discuss the importance of Keeping the original <br /> library psIchologicalij for the town. They feel it will be easier for the town to <br /> swallow adding on and renovating than demolishing the present building <br /> (although the cost of one vs. the other is verb close). <br /> Mr. Taylor discusses the issue of a buffer zone for the parr-ing lot. He feels <br /> there should be, no problem go-Ing from 5o feet #0 4o feet and a variance should <br /> be a simple procedure. <br /> ♦ ftard discussed budget of the town and disbursement of funds <br /> :4 The selectmen are behind this prosect Sao°l <br /> David ftrton mentions some quad-raising options and they will go forward <br /> whish is good. news, . <br /> It. 5rochure <br /> Ted NadolnY discusses the brochure he has- worKed on with Helene DeFoe and <br />� Maureen Founds. He fools the board needs to have this professionalij done to <br /> ensure they loox we are #tying to achieve. Ne requests a budget to find someone <br /> to do this and s4.e what we have. to spend on this. Mr. 5urfion mentions that <br /> we have for costs related to this building committee. <br />