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MASEFEE LIBRARY EXPANSION o <br /> MATTES of AUGUST 27,2002 <br /> Present: Devin Connolly,Chairman <br /> Bonnie Barrett <br /> Grace Talmage <br /> Sheldon Gilbert <br /> Maureen Founds <br /> Helene DeFo <br /> Ed DeFo <br /> David Burton <br /> Tom O'Neil <br /> Mr. Connolly brought the meting to order at :10 p.m. The minutes of August 13,2002 <br /> were accepted unanimously. <br /> I. The o,000 "in kind <br /> Mr. Connolly discusses the natter of the $80,000 in kind gift Mashp a Commons <br /> Lftnited Partnership has presented to the Town of Mashpee. Mr. Connolly informs the <br /> board that Ms. Mason is still waiting for the Town Counsel to decide on how the matter <br /> of the above-referenced gift will be incorporated into the finding for the library. 11r. <br /> Connolly mentions how important if is that there be no conflict of interest in this matter <br /> with respect to the bidding procedure. The request for additional funding for the design <br /> phase was removed from the October warrant. IIT. Mason feels there is enough to get <br /> started with the design phase, and the Board needs to specifically f and out what the price <br /> tag VAll be on the library. The issue of the current figure vs. the $3 million budget is still <br /> a problem and Ms. Mason emphasizes the importance of sticking to the budget. The <br /> board discusses this dollar figure and ways to raise money in general. <br /> II. F'undraisin . <br /> Mr. Connolly would like to propose to create a sub-committee of the building <br /> committee specifically for fundraising purposes. Mr. Connolly and Mr. Burton discuss <br /> whether or not having the Friends of the Library and/or the Trustees of the Library is an <br /> entity of the ton and can they really undrais ` Is this a conflict of interest and/or <br /> morals`? Mr. Connolly wants to be sine everything is done in a"clean fashion" and Dave <br /> no questions regarding tax implications or who handles the accounts to any question. <br /> The board discusses possibly Finding a private citizen or company to be in charge. Grace <br /> Talmage comments on how important strategy is going to be regarding the overall <br /> fundraising issue. The board decides on Grace Talmage, David Burton andel Torn O' Neil <br /> to be the fundraising participants from the Library committee. Mr. Connolly asks Mr. <br /> Burton if there are others he has in mind for this new sub-committee and he tells the <br /> board that he does have a few in mind. <br />