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i <br /> j <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> LIBRARY BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> -Minutes from the meeting of Tuesday, October 18, 2005 <br /> Committee Attendees: Also Attending: <br /> Sheldon Gilbert Helene DeFoe, Library Director <br /> Diana Lannon <br /> Torte O'Neill Members Absent: <br /> Jane Dolan Bonnie Barrett <br /> Maureen Rounds ' David Burton <br /> Ed DeFoe Steve Cook <br /> Chairman Sheldon Gilbert called the meeting to order' t 7:40 PM. <br /> REVIEW OF MINUTES <br /> Minutes from the meeting of 9129105 were unanimously approved by the Committee. <br /> FUNDRAISING BUDGET—PROPOSED REVISION <br /> Sheldon Gilbert stated that the budget for the library building project currently provides for a standard <br /> % per year escalation in-construction costs. That comes out roughly to$546,000 for two years. <br /> Sheldon Gilbert spoke to Stewart Roberts, who informed hire that in working with cost esbmators for <br /> current projects, his firm is now using a 10% per year cast escalation provision for the next couple of <br /> years. Sheldon spoke to Tori O'Neill regarding a fundraising goal increase up to $2,599,090. Torn <br /> stated that he would suggest ars increase in that amount to Martha Moore. There is no feedback a <br /> yet regarding Martha's reaction to the suggestion. <br /> Sheldon made a motion that the LBC recommend to the Fundraising Committee an increase in their <br /> fundraising goal from $1,800,000, by a minimus of$548,099, the equivalent of the 5%escalation for <br /> two years which is in the current budget, up to as high as$2,500,000 for the total fundraising goal. <br /> The amount of the goal increase will be at the discretion of the Fundraising Committee. The reason for , <br /> raising the fundraising goal is to allow the LBC a margin of safety in the event that construction costs <br /> escalate. <br /> Discussion followed. Sheldon Gilbert read a letter received from Stewart Roberts, in which Stewart <br /> stated that he felt it was the prudent thing to do to increase the project escalation by another <br /> $516,759, which would increase the total budget to$8,283,176 based on the continued increases <br /> seen in construction costs. Stewart further stated that while there is no way to predict exactly what will <br /> happen to construction costs, they have been increasing by 10%over the last year and a halt. <br /> Sheldon stated that he would prepare a leiter to the fundraising committee with the LBC <br /> rec mmendabon, attaching a copy of Stewart Robert's letter. <br /> After the motion discussion, Maureen Rounds seconded the motion. The committee unanimously <br /> approved the motion. <br /> ENERGY PLANNING PROPOSAL--Jane Dolan <br /> Cape and Islands Self-Reliance, and Cape Light Compact have been contacted as possible <br /> resources for inforrnabon on other sources of help. Jane pians to arrange an informal meeting with the <br /> two organizations in order to gauge ghat they can provide us. <br />