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i <br /> . Now Library Brochure. Helene DeFoe passed around a copy of the new brochure,with separate <br /> inserts for room naming opportunities, naming backs, and benches. Nancy Stafford, Trustee, offered <br /> the idea used at a library in Westport, Ct., to have wall tiles as a border, or a rural,with a plaque <br /> displaying the nerves of participants who purchased the individual tiles. <br /> 3. Mashpee Enterprise Editorial—" ashpeela chance to Save Energy&Money" <br /> Jane Dolan reported on an editorial from the 10114105 Mashpee tepee Enterprise, which urges the Zoning <br /> Board of Appeals and the Planning Board to take steps to ensure that any new 40B affordable housing <br /> developments or single family homes are encouraged to include energy conservation measures. The <br /> article mentions the Cape Light Compact and Cape& Islands Self-Reliance as helpful resources. <br /> Jane has written a piece in response to the article with information about the efforts of the LBC, and <br /> will forward a copy to the LBC members aria email and to Janice Wolford at the Enterprise. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 1. Library Sign—Helene DeFoe <br /> Helene reported that the Mashpee Building Department, which had previously approved the sigh, was <br /> now saying that the sign was too large for a temporary sign. David Burton planned to appear b fore <br /> the Building Dept. to request a variance approval on the size of the sign. hike Day of Mashpee Signs <br /> is already working on the sign and may have it near completion. <br /> . Library Model—Tom O'Neill <br /> Torn O'Neill reported that the library model being built by a Brewster company will be on a large scale. <br /> The model will include landscape and topography: with the outside veneer consistent with the actual <br /> library building. It can be wheeled around to different Town locations for sic to eight weeks at a time <br /> for display purposes. The cost of the model is estimated at$4500 which will be paid for by donation <br /> from five or six individual Friends of the Library. The model will be ready in six to eight weeks. <br /> NET MEETING <br /> The next meeting of the Library Building Committee was scheduled for Tuesday, November 15, 20051 <br /> at 7:00 PM at the Library. As there was no-further-business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> • Ina G. S obohm <br /> Iecordi Secretary <br /> i <br />