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FUNDRAISING REPORT--Sheldon filbert for Tom O'Neill <br /> Sheldon Gilbert reported that there are a series of events occurring In the corning months. <br /> The model of the proposed library will be used as the initial fundraising as well as educational <br /> effort with those who are invited to attend this event. According to Torn O'Neill, one third of those <br /> who are invited to this meeting are potential major contributors; the rest will be local officials. This <br /> event. as the potential of being a great Kickoff event for the purpose of making people realize that <br /> we are moving forward on the library project. <br /> The State will be announcing the bond authorization for the library construction program. This is <br /> another-potential publicity event, to be followed by the best evert-the State's award to l lashpee <br /> of a provisional grant award which would stem from the appropriation. <br /> The Coonarnessett Inn event—date to be announced <br /> The ongoing efforts by the Fundraising Committee to present to potential donors <br /> A total of nine applications to Foundations have eithr been submitted or are under preparation. <br /> Seven have been submitted. Two are under preparation. Of the seven that have been <br /> submi ted, two were rejected. Applications will be refiled for these for the next funding cycle. <br /> Five are pending with one Foundation expected to respond by April 15. Most of the applications <br /> are for the full $1.7 million amount. <br /> STATUS REPORT ON LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION BOND—Helene DeFoe <br /> Helene Del=oe reported on receipt of an email from Mackie Rafferty, who is the President of the <br /> Massachusetts Library Association, for the sponsors of the ways and Mean at the State House. The <br /> email was sunt to all those who are on the grant awards waiting list. The email was a legislative update <br /> on Gov. F omne 's construction bill which contains$72,00.0,000 for library construction. The bill is <br /> expected to be reported out of the committee on.bonding next week. They will also report on Senator <br /> Joyce's$75,900:090 bond bill as well. If the omnibus bill is reported out favorably: the House'Nays and <br /> Means ns Committee will thea decide 6n some amount for public library construction. Helene was optimistic <br /> that this action indicates there will be a more definite time frame established in the not too distant future <br /> for announcements of award amounts. <br /> OPTION To INITIATE S. ROBERTS PREPARATION of DESIGN PLANS FOR$949200 <br /> Sheldon Gilbert reported that he had looked back into the architect's contract and examined the <br /> possibility of getting started with less than the whole Pease 3 which is roughly$240,000. There is a <br /> segment of 3 months out of tine8 months total that would cost$94,200, which is the design portion of it. <br /> This would be a high risk venture since we don't have a good sense yet of the necessary funds corning to <br /> us to complete the project. Sheldon presented the option to Joyce Mason to start early but told her we <br /> are not pushing the idea, at this point. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Steve Cook reported that he and Jane Dolan had met with an architect that does Leeds certification, as <br /> _ <br /> well as a consultant from Cape Light Compact. Steve feels that the cost to obtain Leeds certification will <br /> be high. A minimum of 26 points from the Deeds checklist is required for Leeds certification. Stewart <br /> Roberts went through the checklist and determined that our project had 27 points, but we would need a <br /> cushion, and should have 30 points. To obtain more points would require an added cost to the building <br /> construction. Steve stated that we can still do a Green building, without having Leeds certification. <br /> Sheldon added that we need to get a cost-to-benefit comparison. <br /> 2 <br />
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