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MASHPEE HISTORIC DISTRICT STUDY COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES,28 JANUARY,1999 <br /> Present: Curtis Frye,Earl Mills,Russell Peters,Edward Callahan,Chance Reichel <br /> Others: Sarah Kor eff, Jack Magee,Tom Fudalla <br /> Mr. Fudalla informed the committee that the first thing it would need to do was organize itself. It needs to <br /> appoint a Chairman and Vice Chairman. <br /> Russell Peters nominated Curtis Frye to be the Chairman. Earl Mills was nominated to be the Vice <br /> Chainnan. This was voted unanimously in favor. <br /> Mr. Fudalla reported that the concept that brought the committee together was the idea that we have the <br /> area around Town Hall that is indeed historic, He stated one of the principle items the Committee has to <br /> decide is what would be the boundaries of this District and would there be more than one district. The <br /> target is to go to the Town Meeting where the by-laws are established. The Committee would then disband <br /> and be replaced by the Historic District Commission, <br /> Mr. Fudalla showed an old map of the Town of Mashpee, dated 1965. The Committee reviewed the map <br /> and pointed out different landmarks. <br /> PRESENTATION—Ms. Korjeff <br /> Ms. Kodeff started off by saying there are a lot of local historic districts on Cape Cod so there are examples <br /> to look out to see how well they are working and get some ideas of how well it might work in Mashpee. <br /> There are several different types of historic districts on the Cape. There is a National Register District <br /> which is a federal designation. Right now Mashpee has two properties very recently listed on the National <br /> Register. There are several towns on the Cape that have large areas that are listed on the National Register. <br /> She stated that listing on the National Register doesn't really provide much protection. It doesn't give the <br /> Town the ability to regulate anything. It is mostly an honorary designation but it recognizes a lot of <br /> historic significance. <br /> Mr. Fudalla raised the question if there were any financial or grant benefits of being in a federal district. <br /> Ms. Kor eff stated there are some. She said there are benefits to towns and non-profits that are listed on the <br /> National Register because there are grant funds available for rehabilitation. She said there are some <br /> protections you get with National Register listing, Specifically,protections for projects that relate to State <br /> or federally funded endeavors. The most common issue is if you are on a state highway and if the State or <br /> Federal Government talk about making improvements to that highway that might have an effect on some <br /> historic buildings or historic settings that are near the highway,you can get the State involved. <br /> With local historic districts,you have as much protection you decide to adopt. You can design a local <br /> historic district to have the amount of regulation you are interested in having as long as you follow some <br /> basic guidelines. In general,with a local historic district you review all kinds of new development,whether <br /> they are new buildings or additions to existing buildings. Probably the most important thing is that it <br /> focuses on changes that are visible from a public way. There are some variations for types of local historic <br /> districts. In the Town of Chatham,for example,they have created a Historic Business District. It has the <br /> kind of review that you would find in your average local historic district where they are reviewing new <br /> construction,alterations to existing buildings,but they have a particular interest in doing this in a way that <br /> protects and encourages new business. The best thing about local historic districts is you really can protect <br /> your historic resources whether it's a historic landscape,historic building, or just the general setting of an <br /> area,and archeological sites. What allows you to protect them is a good set of regulations and guidelines. <br /> Being able to spell out exactly what the significant features are that you are interested in protecting and <br /> then devising some regulations. <br /> I <br />
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