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DISCUSSION: <br /> Mr. Fudalla pointed out that Mashpee does not have a lot of buildings. Mr. Peters then brought up the old <br /> Town hall. He stated it was truly a historic building. It was condemned by the then Selectmen despite the <br /> fact that the native people pleaded to keep it. It was a connection to the past. The Town Hall was the <br /> meeting place for the Mashpee people. Mr.Mills mentioned that he believes the community needs to be <br /> brought together in this. Mr. Reichel stated that the history needs to be captured and shared. He believes <br /> the history of Mashpee is not so much a house or a building but an overall of how the land was used. It is <br /> his feeling that that is where the story is. Mr. Peters and Mr.Mills agreed with him. Ms. Kooeff <br /> mentioned that one of the main goals of this committee in order to create a historic district is to convince <br /> two-thirds of the voters at the Town Meeting to vote in favor. It is really the committee's job to decide <br /> what is going to work best to sell the idea and explaining to people why it is so important to preserve this <br /> area and to convey the history that not everyone is familiar with and to try to preserve the remnants. <br /> Mr. Fudalla asked Ms. Kotjeff what could a historic district do in regard to archeological sites. He wanted <br /> to know if there was anything a historic district could do to protect it from development. Ms. Korjeff said <br /> that she thought you could design the district to specifically address archeological resources. She went on <br /> to say that it was not typical but it has been done. She also thought it would be important to Mashpee. You <br /> can set it up so that known archeological sites cannot be disturbed. Essentially,what you would be doing is <br /> saying on a piece of property, if you know that there is an archeological site on a portion of it,then any new <br /> development would have to happen away from those archeological resources. Ms. Kooeff said she would <br /> be happy to look into this a little more. <br /> Ms. Korjeff went on to say that the State Historic District Act was written envisioning relatively large areas <br /> that would be established with multiple number of properties in them. It does say that you can have single <br /> building districts. For example,you had a couple of large areas related to Main Street that you want to <br /> have as a district that have a lot properties in it. If you also have a dozen other individual properties that <br /> you also felt were fairly significant,you could create single building districts for those structures and just <br /> have them under the same review authority as this larger district <br /> The Committee then discussed what should be on the Agenda for the next meeting. Ms.Korjeff suggested <br /> that perhaps the best thing would be to have a big map of the Town that marks all of the historic buildings <br /> that have been identified. Mr. Reichel suggested as an agenda item that the Committee look at the long- <br /> term planning process to lincate steps. <br /> It was decided the next meeting would be held at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 11, 1999, <br /> Mr. Frye also recommended that Jack Magee be included as a member of the Committee. Mr. Fudalla <br /> suggested that we take one last shot at the Boston Society of Architects and if we don't hear anything by <br /> the next meeting,then we could recommend Mr.Magee for membership. Mr. Fudalla pointed out that Mr. <br /> Magee could be recommended as an alternate right now and if we do not get an architect then he could just <br /> move up. Mr. Reichel thought that was probably important to do this so that we can denote our attempts to <br /> gain an architect. <br /> ADJOURNMENT: <br /> MOTION was made to adjourn and so voted unanimously. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Angela Newhall <br /> 3 <br />