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Roll Call Vote: Paul Andrews, yes; Gregg Fraser, yes; John Bartos, yes <br /> Motor Vehicle Abatement for Gregg P. Fraser, 36 Cranberry Ridge Rd.: Gregg Fraser <br /> recused himself from the discussion and vote of his motor vehicle abatement. Discussion — <br /> Director Streebel explained that Mr. Fraser fully qualifies for the abatement but that it is the <br /> policy of the Board of Assessors to bring any board member's or office employee's application <br /> to the Board for a public vote whereas routine motor vehicle abatements are processed in- <br /> office at the discretion of the staff as per Board policy. <br /> Motor Vehicle Abatement Application — Gregg P. Fraser, 36 Cranberry Ridge Rd.: John <br /> Bartos motioned to grant the motor vehicle abatement application for Gregg P. Fraser. Paul <br /> Andrews seconded the motion. <br /> VOTE: Yes-2 <br /> Roll Call Vote: Paul Andrews, yes; John Bartos, yes <br /> Additional Topics: None <br /> Next Meeting Dates: 3/21/2018 & 4/25/2018 (tentative) <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Gregg Fraser motioned to adjourn at 6:22 pm. <br /> John Bartos seconded the motion. <br /> VOTE: Yes-3 <br /> Roll Call Vote: Paul Andrews, yes; Gregg Fraser, yes; John Bartos, yes <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Jason R. Streebel <br /> Director of Assessing <br /> - 3 - <br />