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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> MAY 3 , 1993 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 6:OOPM <br /> Members Present: Deirdre Greelish, Chairperson; Dan Goggin; Denise <br /> Sullivan; Tony Gallo; John Ferriday and Ed Baker. Roger Dunivan <br /> was unable to attend. <br /> Members of the Finance Committee discussed two transfer requests <br /> made by the Board of Selectmen and Anne Shaw, Treasurer/Tax <br /> Collector. The Board of Selectmen were requesting $3,190 be <br /> transferred from the reserve fund to pay for the expense of postage <br /> for the mailing of the quarter;y tax bills. Ms. Shaw was <br /> requesting $2 , 271 . 99 to cover the costs of printing and mailing the <br /> quarterly tax bills. She claimed that in October of 1992 when it <br /> was voted at town meeting to send quarterly bills, she had not <br /> budgeted enough money to complete the mailings quarterly. <br /> Ed Baker MOTIONED to transfer $3 ,190 to the Board of Selectmen's <br /> Expense Account and $2 , 271. 99 be transferred to the Treasurer/Tax <br /> Collector's Expense Account for the reasons stated above. Denise <br /> Sullivan seconded the Motion and members voted 5-0 in approval of <br /> the transfers. Dan Goggin was not present for the vote. <br /> Ms. Greelish mentioned that the line item for the ambulance payment <br /> will be moved to the October meeting because there was not enough <br /> money in Ambulance Receipts. <br /> Members discussed Article 10 in the Special Town Warrant. Ms. <br /> Greelish explained that the Selectmen would Motion to complete the <br /> study for the new junior/senior high school. She would like to <br /> amend the Motion and have it read that the Finance Committee <br /> recommends completion of the study, but that the $100,000 come from <br /> available funds and not be a debt exclusion. <br /> Members discussed Article 5 of the Annual Town Warrant which <br /> appropriates a sum of money to the Medical Insurance Account and to <br /> the Medicare Account to fund the fringe benefits for the new <br /> positions created in the school. Ms. Greelish stated that if the <br /> school department gets the extra $43 ,000 for all day kindergarten <br /> then they will be looking for this to pass. She stated that <br /> Fincomm would support the article, but that she would not recommend <br /> because she is not in favor of all day kindergarten. Mr. Baker <br /> also stated that the recommendation on Article 5 depended on what <br /> would happen with the kindergarten issue. Mr. Baker stated that he <br /> would recommend the Article with a reduced figure. Selectmen would <br /> be recommending $15,822 if the kindergarten goes through. <br /> Members discussed Article 6 of the Annual Town Warrant. Ed Baker <br /> MOTIONED to NOT approve Article 6. John Ferriday seconded the <br /> Motion and members voted 6--0 in favor of NOT approving. <br />