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recommended to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Baker indicated that he eliminated wording that could <br /> negatively impact older neighborhoods which have limited space for improvements. Selectman Cahalane <br /> indicated that he will share the document with DPW Director Catherine Laurent for feedback. Selectman <br /> Cahalane stated that the policy would not be ready in time for the May Warrant but that it could be <br /> considered for October or adopted as a Town Policy. Selectman Cahalane noted that he has not yet been in <br /> receipt of the runoff report for the areas surrounding Santuit Pond. <br /> CORRESPONDENCE <br /> Committee members discussed the status of recycling in Mashpee and Selectman Cahalane noted that it <br /> should have improved with the establishment of single stream recycling. Mr. Baker suggested that people <br /> seem to be recycling but they may not be recycling everything that can be recycled. It was suggested that a <br /> camera could be used to monitor usage of recycling for informational purposes. Ms. Kane indicated that <br /> people, who do not wish to recycle, will not recycle. Mr. Baker stated that in 2002 the recycling rate was <br /> 12%-13% and more recently has risen to 16%. Selectman Cahalane recommended a fine for anyone who <br /> does not recycle newspapers since they add weight to the waste stream. Mr. Baker recommended <br /> consideration of pay-as-you-throw as an answer to the problem. Selectman Cahalane supported the idea of <br /> pay-as-you-throw provided the savings are directed toward something specific within the Town. Committee <br /> members discussed the fee structure of waste removal and pay-as-you-throw. <br /> The official meeting opened at 7:45 p.m.,with a quorum, upon the arrival of George Petersen. <br /> Previously discussed informal topics were summarized for Mr. Petersen. <br /> It was noted that Mr. York may pursue Community Preservation funds for the $75,000 needed for his <br /> proposed shellfish program. Mr. Petersen stated that State grant money for coastal cleanup has been recently <br /> advertised. Mr. Petersen will forward the information to Mr. York. <br /> MASHPEE BLUE BOOK <br /> Ms. Kane stated her preference that a deadline be set to accept any final changes to the draft. Mr. Baker <br /> suggested that the deadline be set for a few days prior to the next meeting. March 3 was identified as the <br /> deadline for Ms. Kane to receive changes for the Blue Book. Selectman Cahalane will notify the Town <br /> Manager. No target date has been identified for the mailing, but July has been discussed previously. Ms. <br /> Kane provided to Selectman Cahalane the Orleans fact sheet which identifies the necessary specifications for <br /> Blue Book's paper requirements. Selectman Cahalane indicated that the printer would provide a proof of the <br /> book for the next meeting. Committee members discussed the address block that will require a permit <br /> number. It was noted that Town Hall would likely be listed as the return address and that the book may be <br /> addressed to Postal Patron. Selectman Cahalane suggested that the printer may be able to mail the books. <br /> Mr. Baker stated that Orleans used a carrier sorted process at .10 per copy. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Action Items <br /> Zero Phosphorus Lawn Fertilizer Bylaw Update <br /> The Bylaw has been recommended to the Board of Selectmen to be incorporated into the Warrant. <br /> Selectman Cahalane noted that 80%of survey respondents supported incorporating a phosphorus bylaw. <br /> Selectman Cahalane reported that Mashpee Boards expressed concern that the bylaw could not be enforced <br /> but Committee members agreed that the bylaw could be successful and promoted in an educational manner. <br /> Mr. Petersen recommended postings at Town Hall and Selectman Cahalane noted the requirement that <br /> signage be posted at retail locations. Mr. Petersen emphasized that posting the bylaw would not require <br /> enforcement and would be a voluntary initiative. <br /> 2 <br />