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providing good food for oysters. Santuit Pond has a blue green algae bloom. Mr. Baker announced <br /> that the results from the 2009 Tribe/Town water sampling project has been released, noting that the <br /> 2009 figures are compared to the long term average. <br /> Action Items: <br /> Environmental Education-No change <br /> Mashpee River Restoration-No change <br /> Combine Water-Sewer-The newly re-formed Sewer Commission is eager but catching up on <br /> information. <br /> Grant Applications-Letters of support are being collected. <br /> Town-Wide Stormwater Management Plan-Ms. Waygan distributed a copy of the memo forwarded <br /> to the Board of Selectmen encouraging the Town to amend their bylaws requiring private ways <br /> accepted as or converted to public roads meet the standards of the"Town of Mashpee Rules and <br /> Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land." Ms. Waygan questioned whether the EOC should <br /> submit correspondence in support of the memo. Ms. Waygan noted that Catherine Laurent supported <br /> use of the minimum design standards for any private roads taken, but the conversation did not <br /> specifically include the improvement of existing town roads. Mr. Baker suggested that town roads <br /> being updated should also be included with the regulations. <br /> Ms. Waygan made a motion that while the town taking of private roads is being addressed, town <br /> roads should also be included. Mr.Baker seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Santuit Pond Study-The final report has been delayed due to a death in the family. It was noted that <br /> there has been interest expressed in the Solar Bee technology. Mr. Baker suggested that the Board of <br /> Selectmen seek a second opinion from the Cape Cod Commission following receipt of the final report. <br /> Mr. Baker recently conducted sampling near the boat launch and noted signage from the County Board <br /> of Health stating that the water is safe for swimming. Mr. Baker expressed concern about the signage <br /> related to bacteria. Mr. York confirmed that the pond had been clearer but that he would contact the <br /> County BOH for more information. Mr. York confirmed that state sampling for toxins were conducted <br /> with the assistance of a federal grant during 2009, Mr. York expressed interest in having additional <br /> testing conducted. <br /> Land Steward Program No change <br /> Technology Applications-On hold <br /> Recycling-No change <br /> Water Quality Monitoring-In process <br /> Mashpee Blue Book-Discussed <br /> Town Bylaw for Zero Phosphorous Lawn Fertilizers-Discussed <br /> 3 <br />