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about phosphorus in Mashpee, The Chair recommended convincing the Board of Selectmen of the <br /> benefits of the bylaw with a request that it be added as a warrant article to allow residents to vote on the <br /> issue. <br /> Mr. Petersen suggested the possibility of sending a mailing to local nurseries and commercial suppliers of <br /> fertilizer and/or submit to the Enterprise in order to inform the public. The Chair responded that, due to <br /> the results of the survey, residents seem to be aware of the problems created by phosphorus. Mr. York <br /> noted that the bylaw does not ban phosphorus but that it requires testing to determine if phosphorus is <br /> needed in a lawn. Mr. Baker stated his support of the bylaw because of the required signage and its <br /> ability to educate those individuals who are using fertilizer. Mr. York questioned who would conduct <br /> testing for residents and noted that the County offers testing and that residents can purchase tests. Mr. <br /> Petersen added that the test kits are not too expensive and are not too difficult to conduct and suggested <br /> that the Town could consider providing a limited number of kits. Chairman Cahalane noted that many <br /> residents utilize landscaping services. The Chair recommended that Committee members consider the <br /> issue that will be discussed further at the next meeting, adding that conversation should continue with <br /> both the Board of Health and the Conservation Commission. <br /> Mr. Baker suggested that AECOM's recommended action items be reconsidered and that more <br /> information be acquired regarding the bogs. Mr. Baker reviewed the report again and listed the suggested <br /> items in his summary, a copy of which was provided to Committee members. Mr. Baker suggested that <br /> the bylaw meets the intent of the recommendation to"minimize the excessive use of fertilizer." Other <br /> recommendations should be discussed further with the BOH and the Conservation Commission. Mr. <br /> Baker also referenced a previous proposed bylaw regarding the feeding of water fowl and suggested the <br /> possibility of revisiting that proposed bylaw. Mr.Petersen referenced controls that prevent breeding of <br /> Canadian geese. Mr. York suggested that water fowl is currently not an issue in salt water in Mashpee. <br /> Mr. Baker suggested creating a vegetated buffer to control water fowl. Mr. York suggested that the <br /> increased population of cormorant has been a fisheries problem because they eat eel, flounder and baby <br /> fish. <br /> Mashpee River Restoration <br /> No change <br /> Combine Water-Sewer <br /> Chairman Cahalane reported that there has been a lot of discussion but no action and suggested that the <br /> question remains where it will be initiated. The Chair referenced a recent article in the Enterprise that <br /> also poses the question of whether it comes from the BOS, the Sewer Commission or the Finance <br /> Committee. The Chair stated the BOS will be discussing it but that the Sewer Commission should pursue <br /> it. Mr. Barer disagreed stating that a more neutral third party should take the lead. The Chair stated that <br /> everyone is aware of it and that it will likely be discussed during budget talks. Mr. Baker no longer feels <br /> that the Water District should take over and recommended that the Town conduct a cost analysis to <br /> determine taxpayer savings if the Sewer Commission and Water District were combined under the Town. <br /> The Chair stated that Town Planner Tom Fudala assessed the financial benefits who indicated that it could <br /> save hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Chair agreed that the discussion must occur and that a formal <br /> financial analysis be considered. <br /> Town-Wide Stormwater Management Plan <br /> No change <br /> 3 <br />
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