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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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of land. Additionally, the Boy Scouts were waiting to hear back about availability so that they can <br /> assist in the Program. It was suggested that the Boy Scouts be in contact with Elizabeth Lindhold and <br /> Andrew McManus. Additionally, Mr. Baker indicated that there were approximately 200 people, <br /> formerly of the Mashpee Environmental Coalition, willing to help in any way that they can. <br /> Chairman Myers suggested that there may not be an overabundance of volunteers and that there was <br /> more than enough work available, and anyone interested in helping should contact the Conservation <br /> Agents. It was also suggested that the same tracts of land could be assigned to multiple people to <br /> divide and conquer. Mr. Theis would like to ensure that an initial walk through take place for all of the <br /> lands while the weather is good. Mr. Baker would like to see that the Vinhaven property also be <br /> included on the list for the Land Steward's Program. <br /> The Environmental Oversight Committee is in agreement that the Conservation Agents are very <br /> interested in getting the job done. As a new program, it would be expected that it might go through <br /> some growing pains as the process is identified. <br /> Re nest for Pro osals-Santuit Pond Diagnostic Stud <br /> An updated copy of the draft RFP was distributed to Committee members. Mr. Baker finalized many <br /> of the details and the Committee is now seeking feedback from the scientific community. Chairman <br /> Myers reviewed paragraph 3 of the document, which was a response to concerns expressed by the <br /> Cape Cod Commission. Mr_ Baker indicated that, historically, the analyses of the pond has been very <br /> text book and does not accurately reflect the current situation_ It is felt that Santuit Pond would benefit <br /> from water quality measuring recording devices to better understand the conditions of the pond during <br /> the summer and would help to determine what is happening during the day and during the night. <br /> Members of the Committee discussed water levels in the pond and how it affects erosion and <br /> phosphorus levels in the pond. The deeper pond means there is less water turnover, thereby keeping <br /> the nutrients in the pond longer. A shallower pond, with greater water turnover, means that <br /> phosphorus would be limited. However, lower water levels could result in a changing shoreline. <br /> Scientists are needed to determine how to move forward. More study is needed to identify what <br /> problems exist in Santuit Pond. <br /> Chairman Myers read through the proposed deliverables, essentially, what is causing the problem, how <br /> to fix the problem and what is the cost. The timeline was also discussed, which is aggressive in order <br /> to have it ready for the October warrant to authorize the work and funding. Committee members <br /> discussed whether or not to include an end date but determined that it was not necessary. A correction <br /> was noted at the bottom of the page regarding the proposal deadline, which should read September 1, <br /> 2008 rather than August 1, 2008. <br /> Motion made by Mr. Baker to approve as amended the draft IFP for the Santuit Pond <br /> Diagnostic Study for submission to the Board of Selectmen. Motion seconded by Mr. Theis. All <br /> voted unanimously. <br /> Chairman Myers will submit the draft at the next Board of Selectmen's meeting as part of his liaison <br /> report and request that the Board of Selectmen consider it to be included on the agenda for the next <br /> meeting. Should the Board come to an agreement regarding the RFP, it would be requested that it be <br /> included on the October warrant. <br /> 3 <br />
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