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Town of Mashpee <br /> Environmental Oversight Committee <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> Judy 10, 2008 <br /> Present: Chair-Don Myers, Beverly Kane, Ted Theis, Rick York, Ed Baker, Ralph Marcelli <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Don Myers, Chairman. <br /> APPROVAI.OF MEETING MINUTES: <br /> Motion made by Mr. Baker to approve the minutes of June 12,2008, as modified. Motion <br /> seconded by Mr. Theis. Five Committee Members voted in favor, one member abstained. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Ted Theis- Storm Drain Filters <br /> Mr. Theis recommended two resources that detail stormwater issues. Erosion Control magazine <br /> discusses a variety of storm drain filters as well as the conversion in South Weymouth of the Old <br /> Weymouth Air Station to a residential property. The 8-page report can be viewed at <br /> Stormwater Magazine, atis another good resource. <br /> Chairman Meyers recommended a link to the Environmental Oversight Committee's website. <br /> Mr. Theis is continuing to work on the physical test of the stormwater bioFilter. There are two types, a <br /> trash filter and a trash/bio filter with biological activity to treat the pollutants as they float through the <br /> filter. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Don Miers-Board of Selectmen Updates <br /> The Board of Selectmen approved the RFP for Santuit Pond and sent it to five companies for review. <br /> Discussion with the Cape Cod Commission may result in funds that could be used for a water duality <br /> study and to tie in the Santuit RFP with their requirements. It was noted that none of the base <br /> companies were on the list to receive the RFP and the Chair suggested that any recommendations for <br /> additional companies be forwarded to him. <br /> Additionally, the Board of Selectmen has requested moving forward with combining the Sewer <br /> Commission and the Water District. The Board has determined that the Town Council should work <br /> with the Water District Council to identify what would be required to amalgamate the two entities. <br /> Land Steward Program <br /> The Chair spoke with Conservation Agent Drew McManus regarding an update for the Land Steward <br /> Program. All volunteers have received an introduction packet, mailed June 11, outlining the parcel <br /> areas and identifying the four Coordinators, Ashley Wire, Lisa Kane, Jim Leonard and Charlotte <br /> Garron. Envelopes, letters and guides were included with the packet. Agent McManus has already <br />