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11. Technology Applications-Mr. York will have a lot more additional information by the next <br /> meeting. <br /> ANNOUNCEMENTS <br /> Mr. Marcelli announced the Mashpee High School Senior Seminar,a full year course overseen by an <br /> advisor, culminating in research projects completed by high school seniors. On October 8, 8:30am- <br /> 9:30am,there will be tables set up in the high school cafeteria where each organization or committee <br /> will have their own table. Mr. York has an Americorps volunteer who will be available to assist <br /> Mr.York and possibly set up a project with the shellfish propagation. Anyone is welcome to attend. <br /> MEETING ADJOURNMENT: <br /> Motion made by Mr. Baker to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Motion seconded by Ms.Kane. <br /> All voted unanimously. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Jennifer M. Clifford <br /> Board Secretary <br /> 8 <br />