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1 <br /> MASHPEE SCHOOL COMMITTEE <br /> REGULAR MEETING <br /> { APRIL 5, 2000 <br /> Minutes <br /> Attendees: Chairwoman Kathleen Lynch, Janice Mills, Maryanne Macdonald, Theresa Cook, and <br /> Stephen Paxton. Also in attendance were Superintendent ofSchools Sherwood Fluery and Business <br /> Administrator Russ McCown. <br /> 1. Meeting Called Mrs. Lynch called the regular meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. in high <br /> to Order school conference room B 103. <br /> Due to the issues on the agenda involving audience members, <br /> Mrs. Lynch asked the Commute 's permission to move up "Public <br /> Forum" to discuss 7.16 "Hockey Proposal." 7.15 - "Coombs School <br /> School Improvement 'Plan," and 7.10 - "English/Language Arts <br /> Revision- Scope & Sequence, <br /> K-1 ." <br /> Ill. Public Forum 1. Peter Porn - Mr. Peros outlined the Junior varsity Ice <br /> Hockey proposal. He described a survey that was taken on <br /> February 9thof tudents in grades -11 who would be interested in <br /> playing high school hockey. There were 31 students interested in <br /> participating with 17 of whom are currently playing at least B level <br /> youth hockey. In grades I - , there are currently 43 players where <br /> a total of 390 expressed a desire to play. Mr. Pros' proposed <br /> budget included the following- Ice time - $9,000; Coach's salary -- <br /> $3,00 ; Bus transportation to games only - $1,600; Officials - <br /> $800; and equipment, i.e., pucks, jersey, sticks) - $1,500 to "ing <br /> $15 P900. <br /> 2. Iden Marsters - Mr. Marsters addressed the Committee b <br /> first thanking Mr. Peros, Athletic Director Michael Horne, <br /> Superintendent Fluery, High School Principal Ira Brown, and also <br /> the Committee for taking an interest in discussing J.V. Ice Hoc-key. <br /> Mr. Marsters supported Mr. Pros' previous presentation but he <br /> also expressed no interest in implementing a user's fee to subsidize <br /> this sport. Also, Mr. Marsters requested to be on record as being <br /> "number one on the unencumbered list" when it cane to the school <br /> department's assistance in funding hockey. <br /> Mr. Fluery stated a meeting had been arranged recently with Mr. <br /> Marsters, Wayne 'Taylor, Mr. Peros, and Mr. Horne to discuss the <br /> hockey proposal.. Mr. Fluery said h -is supportive in adding now <br /> sports. <br /> Mr. Horne read aloud a prepared staternent delineating' some <br /> concerns, both pro and con, for adding hockey to the "existing <br /> menu offered at Mashpe High School." <br />